A number of Chinese foreigners fled into the forest when the police arrived. The police, assisted by residents, chased the perpetrators

A number of Chinese foreigners fled into the forest when the police arrived. The police, assisted by residents, chased the perpetrators

BATAM - The arrest of dozens of Chinese foreigners on Gontong Island, Rear District, Padang, Tuesday (5/9) afternoon tells of heroic actions in the villages of the outermost island communities. 

Not without reason, the arrest of dozens of foreign nationals created a tense atmosphere. Moreover, at that time, the police had fired warning shots many times. 
Not only that, when the police arrived at the location there was a chase with dozens of foreign nationals. The foreigners tried to escape into the forest area. 
Witnessing this, island residents even helped the police chase them into the forest. 

Nearly three hours in the forest, finally one of the Indonesian citizens who could speak Chinese persuaded them to come down and leave the forest. Negotiation efforts continued until the Chinese foreigners were willing to come down and leave the forest. 
"It's safe, you will be saved. "You will be sent back to your country of origin," said one of the Indonesian citizens in Mandarin so that the foreigners would come out of the forest at that time. 
Not long after, several foreigners started to come out of the forest. Still in a tense atmosphere, the foreigners came out of the forest, only to see the police officers still trying to get away. 
Suddenly, at that time there were also two male foreign nationals who fought back into a duel and wrestled with the police at the location. 

The police also tried to calm the foreigners but two foreigners ran and jumped from the beach and splashed into the sea. 
30 minutes later, the foreigner who had plunged into the sea finally surfaced ashore and was finally arrested. 

"It was like there was a war in our village last night, there has never been anything like this as long as I have lived on this island," said a resident of Gentong Island, Amin, Wednesday (6/9). 
Amin witnessed the incident at that time. He helped the police chase dozens of foreign nationals when they entered the forest. 
"Our village was amazing yesterday," he added. 
He said that when the incident took place, residents also gathered at the location. 

After dozens of foreigners came down from the forest, Amin admitted that he felt confused. Because, none of the dozens of foreigners can speak Indonesian. 
The owner of the house where dozens of foreigners were staying temporarily, Tar, said that the  foreigners had only been there for three days. 
Dozens of foreigners rented two residents' houses which stood on platforms with plank buildings erected on the beach. 
It's just that, Tar admitted that he did not know for certain the intentions and goals as well as the identities of dozens of foreign nationals. 

Taking care of tens of foreign nationals to live in locations, there are two Batam residents who communicate with Tar. 
From the information gathered, the two Indonesian citizens who take care of dozens of foreign nationals play a role in supplying food to the foreigners. blt

Caption: Short video of dozens of foreigners finally leaving the forest where they fled

Sejumlah WNA China Kabur ke Hutan Saat Polisi Datang, Polisi Dibantu Warga Kejar Pelaku

 BATAM - Penangkapan puluhan WNA Tiongkok di Pulau Gontong Kecamatan Belakang Padang, Selasa (5/9) sore mengisahkan aksi heroik dalam perkampungan masyarakat pulau terluar. 

Bukan tanpa sebab, penangkapan puluhan WNA itu sempat membuat suasana mencekam. Apalagi saat itu, aparat kepolisian sempat mengeluarkan tembakan peringatan hingga berkali-kali. Tak hanya itu, saat Polisi tiba dilokasi terjadi aksi kejar-kejaran dengan puluhan WNA. Para WNA berusaha melarikan diri memasuki kawasan hutan.
Menyaksikan itu, warga pulau bahkan turut menbantu Polisi melakukan pengejaran hingga ke dalam hutan. 

Hampir tiga jam di dalam hutan, akhirnya sala seorang WNI yang bisa berbahasa Tiongkok pun membujuk mereka turun dan keluar dalam hutan. Upaya negosiasi terus berlangsung, hingga WNA Tiongkok mau turun dan keluar dari dalam hutan. “Sudah Aman, kalian akan diselamatkan. Kalian akan dipulangkan ke negara asal,” ucap sala seorang WNI dalam bahasa mandarin agar para WNA mau keluar dari dalam hutan saat itu.

Tak lama, beberapa diantara WNA pun mulai keluar dari dalam hutan. Masi dalam suasana mencekam, para WNA itu pun keluar dari dalam hutan, hanya saja melihat aparat kepolisian mereka masih berusaha menjauh.
Sontak, saat itu juga ada dua WNA pria melawan hingga duel dan bergulat dengan Polisi dilokasi. 

Polisi pun berusaha menenangkan WNA itu namun dua WNA berlari melompat dari bantaran pantai nyebur ke laut. Berselang 30 menit kemudian, WNA yang nyebur ke laut akhirnya timbul ke darat hingga akhirnya dapat diamankan. 

“Kampung kami dah macam ada perang semalam, tak pernah ada yang begini selama saya tinggal di pulau ini,” ujar seorang warga Pulau Gentong, Amin, Rabu (6/9). Amin menyaksikan betul kejadian saat itu. Ia turut membantu Polisi mengejar puluhan WNA itu saat masuk ke dalam hutan. 
“Hebo kampung kami kemarin,” tambahnya. Dikatakan dia, saat kejadian berlangsung para warga turut beramai-ramai berkumpul dilokasi. 

Setelah puluhan WNA itu turun dari hutan, Amin mengaku merasa bingung. Sebab, satu pun diantara puluhan WNA itu tak ada yang dapat berbahasa Indonesia. Pemilik rumah tempat puluhan WNA tinggal sementara, Tar, mengatakan baru tiga hari  WNA itu tinggal. Puluhan WNA tersebut menyewa dua rumah warga yang berdiri diatas pelantar dengan bangunan papan terpancang diatas bantaran pantai. Hanya saja, Tar mengaku tak mengetahui secara pasti terkait maksud dan tujuan serta identitas puluhan WNA.  

Mengurus puluhan WNA untuk tinggal dilokasi, ada dua warga Batam yang melakukan komunikasi dengan Tar. 
Dari informasi yang dihimpun, dua WNI yang mengurus puluhan WNA itu berperan memasok makanan para WNA.  Blt

Caption : Video singkat puluhan WNA akhirnya keluar dari hutan tempat pelarian 

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