Youtuber Content Stops Motorbike Against Direction Apologizes After Being Surrounded by Residents

Youtuber Content Stops Motorbike Against Direction Apologizes After Being Surrounded by Residents

The content 'intercept motorbikes going in the opposite direction' carried out by a YouTuber on Jalan KH Abdullah Syafei, Bukit Duri Village, Tebet District, South Jakarta, made the mob of ojols angry. Youtuber Laurendra Hutagalung then apologized after being surrounded by the masses. 

"Mediation was carried out between Laurendra Hutagalung and the online motorcycle taxi driver by making a statement including an apology," said Tebet Police Chief Kompol Chitya Intania, in a statement to reporters, Wednesday (16/8/2023). 

In his statement, YouTuber Laurendra said he would first ask permission from the local RT/RW in terms of creating content. 

"In the future, for content creation, ask permission from RT and RW," he added. 

While the content 'intercept motorists in the opposite direction' created by YouTuber Laurendra at the scene of the incident, according to his agreement that night, was also deleted. 

"The video that was recorded today should be deleted. A statement was agreed between the two parties," he continued. 

Several ojols who did not accept it had 'surrounded' Laurendra who was at the restaurant. Laurendra was finally 'released' after making a statement. 

Opposite Content Intercept
The incident occurred on Tuesday (15/8) at around 20.45 WIB. It started when YouTuber Laurendra created content to intercept motorbikes going in the opposite direction on Jalan KH Abdullah Syafei, Bukit Duri Village, Tebet District, South Jakarta. 

YouTuber Laurendra's actions angered ojol. The commotion was inevitable, Laurendra was almost attacked by the mob. 

"The cause of the crowd was because there was education for motorbike riders about the opposite direction from YouTuber LaurenTV," said Chitya. 

Chitya said that several ojols did not accept Laurendra's action, causing chaos. Laurendra was secured by local residents at a restaurant to avoid the mass rioting. 

"During education, several road users (online motorcycle taxis) were not pleased with this education, and an argument ensued in front of the Wong Solo restaurant," he said. 

The police came to the location and arrested Laurendra et al. There were no injuries in this incident, while the impact of the commotion caused traffic to stop at the location. 

Youtuber Konten Cegat Motor Lawan Arah Minta Maaf Usai Dikepung Warga

Konten 'cegat pemotor lawan arah' yang dilakukan YouTuber di Jalan KH Abdullah Syafei, Kelurahan Bukit Duri, Kecamatan Tebet, Jakarta Selatan, membuat massa ojol marah. Youtuber Laurendra Hutagalung kemudian meminta maaf setelah dikepung massa.

"Dilakukan mediasi antara Laurendra Hutagalung dengan driver ojek online dengan membuat surat pernyataan antara lain permintaan maaf," kata Kapolsek Tebet Kompol Chitya Intania, dalam keterangannya kepada wartawan, Rabu (16/8/2023).

Dalam pernyataannya itu, YouTuber Laurendra mengatakan akan meminta izin terlebih dahulu kepada RT/RW setempat dalam hal pembuatan konten.

"Ke depannya untuk pembuatan konten agar meminta ijin kepada RT dan RW," imbuhnya.

Sementara konten 'cegat pemotor lawan arah' yang dibuat YouTuber Laurendra di lokasi kejadian, atas kesepakatannya pada malam itu juga dihapus.

"Video yang telah direkam hari ini supaya dihapus. Surat pernyataan disepakati antara kedua belah pihak," lanjutnya.

Beberapa ojol yang tak terima sempat 'mengepung' Laurendra yang berada di restoran tersebut. Laurendra akhirnya 'dibebaskan' setelah membuat pernyataan.

Konten Cegat Lawan Arah
Peristiwa itu terjadi pada Selasa (15/8) sekitar pukul 20.45 WIB. Bermula, ketika YouTuber Laurendra membuat konten mencegat pemotor lawan arah di Jalan KH Abdullah Syafei, Kelurahan Bukit Duri, Kecamatan Tebet, Jakarta Selatan.

Aksi YouTuber Laurendra membuat marah ojol. Keributan pun tak terhindarkan, Laurendra nyaris diamuk massa.

"Penyebab keramaian tersebut karena adanya edukasi ke pengendara motor tentang lawan arah dari YouTuber LaurenTV," kata Chitya.

Chitya mengatakan beberapa ojol tak terima aksi Laurendra tersebut sehingga menimbulkan kericuhan. Laurendra diamankan warga sekitar ke sebuah restoran untuk menghindari amuk massa.

"Pada saat melakukan edukasi beberapa pengguna jalan (ojek online) kurang berkenan adanya edukasi tersebut lalu terjadilah adu argumen di depan Rumah makan Wong Solo," katanya.

Pihak kepolisian datang ke lokasi dan mengamankan Laurendra dkk. Tidak ada korban luka dalam kejadian ini, sementara imbas kericuhan itu membuat lalu lintas di lokasi sempat macet.

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