LRT Arch: Once Praised and Recorded a Muri Record, Now It's Criticized for Wrong Design

LRT Arch: Once Praised and Recorded a Muri Record, Now It's Criticized for Wrong Design

SOE Deputy Minister Kartika Wirjoatmodjo opened up about the Jabodebek LRT project which experienced an incorrect design on the curved or longspan rail bridge in Kuningan, South Jakarta. 

This is what causes the Jabodebek LRT train to slow down when passing through the corner. Because if the LRT speed does not slow down before the landslide, it has the potential to increase accidents. 

"If you look at the longspan from Gatot Subroto to Kuningan, there's a big bridge, that's actually a design flaw, because Adhi used to build the bridge, but he didn't test the angle of the train," said Tiko, his nickname, quoted on Wednesday (2/8/2023) ). 

According to Tiko, due to a wrong design, the bend was not wide enough so that the speed was slowed down. He said, if the angle of the bridge is widened, the Jabodebek LRT train can continue to run fast. 

"So now, if you make a turn, you have to be very slow, because the corner should be wider. If the corner is wider, he can turn while speeding up. But because the corners have now been narrowed, like it or not, the train has to go only 20 km per hour, really slowly," said Tiko. 

Praise and record Muri
For information, the LRT arch bridge was built over the Inner City Toll flyover which is in the Kuningan section, South Jakarta, and spans 148 meters. 

The Longspan LRT has a radius of 115 meters and uses concrete weighing 9,688.8 tons. Because of its length and precise design, the LRT's curve has won praise. 

In fact, the LRT curve also received a record from the Indonesian World Record Museum (Muri) for successfully making the longest bridge in Indonesia, perhaps even in the world, especially since the construction was carried out by local engineers. 

The contractor for the LRT arch is BUMN Karya, PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk. The construction process is carried out using the balanced cantilever method. 

This means, the structure is built by utilizing the balance effect that allows the structure to stand and withstand very heavy loads without being supported by temporary supports. 

Lengkung LRT: Sempat Dipuji dan Catat Rekor Muri, Kini Dikritik Salah Desain

Wakil Menteri BUMN Kartika Wirjoatmodjo buka-bukaan soal proyek LRT Jabodebek yang mengalami salah desain pada bagian jembatan rel lengkung atau longspan di Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan.

Hal ini yang membuat kecepatan kereta LRT Jabodebek melambat saat melewat tikungan tersebut. Karena apabila kecepatan LRT tidak melambat sebelum longspan maka berpotensi meningkatkan kecelakaan.

"Kalau lihat longspan dari Gatot Subroto ke Kuningan kan ada jembatan besar, itu sebenarnya salah desain, karena dulu Adhi sudah bangun jembatannya, tapi dia enggak ngetes sudut kemiringan keretanya," ungkap Tiko, sapaan akrabnya, dikutip pada Rabu (2/8/2023).

Menurut Tiko, lantaran salah desain, tingkungan tersebut kurang lebar sehingga kecepatannya melambat. Dia bilang, jika tingkungan jembatan itu digarap melebar maka kereta LRT Jabodebek bisa tetap melaju dengan kencang.

"Jadi sekarang kalau belok harus pelan sekali, karena harusnya itu lebih lebar tikungannya. Kalau tikungannya lebih lebar, dia bisa belok sambil speed up. Tapi karena tikungannya sekarang sudah terlanjur dibikin sempit, mau enggak mau keretanya harus jalan hanya 20 km per jam, pelan banget," papar Tiko.

Dipuji dan catat rekor Muri
Sebagai informasi, jembatan lengkung LRT itu dibangun di atas flyover Tol Dalam Kota yang berada di ruas Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, dan membentang sepanjang 148 meter.

Longspan LRT ini memiliki radius lengkung 115 meter serta menggunakan beton seberat 9.688,8 ton. Karena panjang dan rancangannya yang begitu presisi, lengkung LRT itu sempat menuai pujian.

Bahkan, lengkung LRT tersebut juga diganjar rekor Museum Rekor-Dunia Indonesia (Muri) karena berhasil membuat jembatan terpanjang di Indonesia bahkan mungkin di dunia, terlebih kontruksinya dikerjakan oleh para engineer anak bangsa.

Kontraktor dari lengkung LRT ini adalah BUMN Karya, PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk. Proses pembangunannya dilakukan dengan metode balanced cantilever.

Ini artinya, strukturnya dibangun dengan memanfaatkan efek keseimbangan yang membuat struktur dapat berdiri dan menahan beban sangat berat tanpa ditopang penyangga sementara.

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