BOTH, President Jokowi Throws Sandals and Mineral Water, Paspampres: Don't Make Films!

BOTH, President Jokowi Throws Sandals and Mineral Water, Paspampres: Don't Make Films! 

- President RI, Jokowi  was thrown slippers by mothers who are volunteers Bobby Nasution at the Multipurpose Building, Medan City. 

Not only throwing sandals, Jokowi was also thrown mineral water. 
Inevitably, the actions of the mothers made the Paspampres officers frantic. 
The officer managed to fend off the sandals that landed towards Jokowi. 
However, mineral water hit Jokowi. 

Seeing that, Paspampres then pushed the mothers who threw sandals and mineral water towards Jokowi. 
“Please do justice for us sir,” said the woman, without further explaining the reason, Sunday (27/8/2023). 
Because the encouragement of the Paspampres was quite strong, the woman fell backwards. 
He then struggled and screamed during the event held by the Bobby Nasution Collaboration House (RKBN). 

When she was helped to stand up, the woman didn't want to. 
Paspampres also tried to calm the unknown woman. 

"Calm down, Mother. Let's sit on a chair first," said a Paspampres. 
Because this moment occurred in the midst of thousands of people, residents and media crews tried to capture the event. 
However, members of the Paspampres were angry. 

They forbade residents and media crews to turn on the camera to record the moment the woman threw sandals at Jokowi. 
"No one is recording, turn off the camera," said Paspampres in a high tone. 
Meanwhile, another volunteer Bobby Nasution was busy asking for a photo with the RI President . 

"Mr.Jokowi-PakJokowi," shouted the thousands of volunteers in the hope thatJokowi would come to them. 
But unexpectedly, Jokowi  immediately surrounded all the volunteers who were present in the building while shaking hands and also taking pictures together. 
When Jokowi greeted the volunteer Bobby Nasution, the multipurpose building ended in a riot. 
This is because many volunteers pushed each other to take pictures with the father of the Head of the Medan TP PKK Kahiyang Ayu. 

Apart from that, the people's cries of demand for the President to support Bobby Nasution to run for Governor of North Sumatra also echoed. 
"Mr. President, support Pak Bobby to run for Governor of North Sumatra," shouted hundreds of Bobby's volunteers, "he explained. 

However, the words of the dozens of volunteers were not heard by the President of the Republic of Indonesia. 
Because, he was still busy greeting and doing selfies with other participants. 
After taking a group photo, Jokowi sat in the space provided to witness several activities in this Multipurpose Building, (cr5/

HEBOH, Presiden Jokowi Dilempar Sandal dan Air Mineral, Paspampres: Jangan Ada yang Merekam!

- Presiden RI, Jokowi dilempar sandal oleh emak-emak yang merupakan relawan Bobby Nasution di Gedung Serbaguna, Kota Medan.

Tidak hanya dilempar sandal, Jokowi juga dilempar air mineral.
Tak pelak, aksi emak-emak itu membuat petugas Paspampres kalang kabut.
Petugas sempat menangkis sandal yang mendarat ke arah Jokowi.
Namun, air mineral mengenai Jokowi.

Melihat hal itu, Paspampres lantas mendorong emak-emak yang melempar sandal dan air mineral ke arah Jokowi.
"Tolong keadilan untuk kami pak," kata wanita tersebut, tanpa menjelaskan lebih lanjut alasannya, Minggu (27/8/2023).
Karena dorongan Paspampres cukup kuat, wanita tersebut pun jatuh terjungkang.
Ia kemudian meronta dan teriak di sela acara yang diadakan Rumah Kolaborasi Bobby Nasution (RKBN).

Saat akan dibantu untuk berdiri, wanita tersebut tak mau.
Paspampres pun berusaha menenangkan wanita tak dikenal itu. 

"Ibu tenang ya. Ayo duduk dulu di kursi," kata seorang Paspampres.
Karena momen ini terjadi di tengah ribuan orang, warga dan awak media berusaha mengabadikan peristiwa tersebut.
Namun, anggota Paspampres marah.

Mereka melarang warga dan awak media untuk menyalakan kamera merekam momen wanita tersebut melempar sandal ke Jokowi. 
"Jangan ada yang merekam, matikan kamera," ucap Paspampres dengan nada tinggi.
Sementara itu, relawan Bobby Nasution yang lain sibuk meminta foto bareng Presiden RI. 

"Pak Jokowi-Pak Jokowi," teriak ribuan relawan dengan harapan Jokowi mendatangi mereka.
Namun tak disangka, Jokowi pun langsung mengelilingi seluruh relawan yang hadir di gedung tersebut sambil bersalaman dan juga sambil berfoto bersama.
Saat jokowi menyapa relawan Bobby Nasution, gedung serbaguna pun berakhir rusuh.
Sebab, banyak relawan yang saling dorong-dorongan ingin berfoto bersama ayah dari Ketua TP PKK Medan Kahiyang Ayu tersebut.

Selain itu, teriakan-teriakan permintaan masyarakat untuk Presiden mendukung Bobby Nasution untuk maju menjadi Gubernur Sumut pun menggema.
"Pak presiden, dukung Pak Bobby maju ke Gubernur Sumut," teriak ratusan relawan Bobby," jelasnya.

Namun, celetukan dari puluhan relawan tersebut tidak terdengar di telinga Presiden RI.
Sebab, ia masih sibuk menyapa dan melakukan selfi bersama partisipan lainnya.
Usai berfoto bersama, Jokowi pun duduk di tempat yang disediakan untuk menyaksikan beberapa kegiatan di Gedung Serbaguna ini, (cr5/

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