Uang Rp 1,4 Miliar di Rekening Ludes dalam Semalam, Pengusaha Asal Malang Lapor Polisi
– Gara-gara membuka undangan pernikahan yang dikirim digital melalui aplikasi whatsaap, Silvia YAP harus kehilangan uang Rp 1,4 miliar yang disimpan di Bank BRI. Silvia meminta pertanggungjawaban pihak Bank. Sebab sebagai nasabah prioritas, dia merasa tak mendapat keamanan.
Berbagai upaya dilakukan Silvia yang didampingi kuasa hukumnya Hilmy F Ali. Selain mengadu ke OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keungan), LPS (lembaga penjamin simpanan). Silvia juga melapor ke ke Polda Jatim.
Pengusaha aksesoris kendaraan asal Jl Inspol Suwoto, Kecamatan Lawang, ini membuat aduan di sentra pelayanan kepolisian terpadu (SPKT) Polda Jatim, Rabu (5/6/2023) siang
Namun oleh korban dijawab salah kirim. Pelaku kemudian mengirim pesan lagi dan disuruh membuka. Tidak lama setelah menerima undangan tersebut ada keanehan di hanphone korban.
Sebab, setelah undangan dibuka, tiba-tiba muncul enam aplikasi mobile banking. Padahal, korban tidak merasa mendownload.
Dari situlah, secara bertahap, uang yang ada di saldo ATM korban berkurang, disertai dengan munculnya notifikasi transaksi transfer di email. Total uang yang habis terkuras yakni Rp1,4 miliar.
Kuasa hukum korban Hilmi F Ali, mengatakan, pihaknya sudah melaporkan peristiwa tersebut ke bank tempat korban menabung. Namun, tidak ada respons.
"Kami ingin menanyakan, kenapa ini bisa terjadi. Sebagai nasabah prioritas, klien kami ingin uangnya kembali," katanya.
Karena itu, pihaknya terpaksa mendatangi Mapolda Jatim untuk melaporkan kasus tersebut. Harapannya, uang tabungan kliennya bisa kembali.
Pada laporan itu, korban membawa bukti berupa rekening koran, buku tabungan, bukti transaksi serta apk dan copy komunikasi korban dengan bank berupa chat.
"Sebelumnya klien kami juga sudah melaporkan kasus ini ke OJK dan LPS. Laporan berkaitan dengan keamanan nasabah," tuturnya.
“Akhir Mei 2023, klien kami menerima undangan pernikahan digital. Undangan tersebut diklik, terus di handphone-nya ada 6 aplikasi mobile banking. Tapi, yang kebobol hanya BRI. Laporan ke Polda ini soal ilegal akses dan TPPU,” ujar Hilmi kuasa hukum Silvia.
Hilmi menceritakan awal mula musibah yang menimpa kliennya adalah saat Silvia menerima undangan pernikahan digital tersebut sekitar pukul 22.00 WIB. Setelah diklik, mendadak ponselnya memunculkan banyak iklan. Merasa janggal, dirinya mengecek semua saldo melalui mobile banking.
“Keluarnya uang itu melalui BRImo, transfer pindah ke rekening bank lain. Ada juga yang melalui top up pulsa senilai Rp 40 juta. Dari jam 22.00 WIB sampai jam 03.00 WIB, total ada belasan transaksi,” lanjutnya.
Anehnya, kata Hilmy, kliennya tidak pernah mengunduh aplikasi BRImo. Tetapi dalam notifikasi yang diterima kliennya melalui email menunjukkan adanya transaksi melalui BRImo.
“Klien kami ini tidak pernah mengunduh atau mendownload aplikasi BRImo. Ketika di cek mutasi rekening, beralihnya dari BRImo. Siapa yang menginstal BRImo ini?,” ujarnya.
Hilmi menambahkan, secara umum apabila ingin mengaktifkan mobile banking, ada konfirmasi secara berlapis (double check) antara pihak bank dengan nasabah.
Keesokan harinya pasca saldo ATM BRI terkuras dan hanya sisa Rp 2 juta, Silvi mempertanyakan masalah pengamanan kepada pihak Bank BRI KCP Lawang.
Namun, sebagai nasabah prioritas, permintaan pengembalian uang tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh BRI KCP Lawang.
“Kami juga sudah melapor ke OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keungan). Karena sebagai nasabah prioritas, klien kami tidak mendapat keamanan atas saldo dalam rekeningnya,” tegasnya.
Selain itu, pihaknya juga telah melapor ke LPS (lembaga Penjamin Simpanan) terkait pengawasannya, supaya masalah bisa diatensi, bahwa memang betul aplikasi BRImo ini dinilai belum aman dengan bukti kliennya yang mengalami kebobolan.
Rp. 1.4 billion in money in an account sold out overnight, a businessman from Malang reports to the police
Screenshot of the chat between the victim and the sender of the digital wedding invitation. (Ilyasan's grace).
SURABAYA, - Silvia YAP, a vehicle accessories entrepreneur from Lawang District, Malang Regency, East Java, visited the East Java Regional Police Integrated Service Center (SPKT), Wednesday (5/7/2023). Accompanied by Hilmy F Ali as her lawyer, the 52-year-old woman brought a number of files submitted as evidence in an alleged case of illegal access by a state-owned bank in Lawang.
– Because of opening a wedding invitation that was sent digitally through the WhatsApp application, Silvia YAP had to lose IDR 1.4 billion which was kept at Bank BRI. Silvia held the bank accountable. Because as a priority customer, he felt he did not get security.
Various attempts were made by Silvia who was accompanied by her attorney Hilmy F Ali. Apart from complaining to OJK (Financial Services Authority), LPS (deposit insurance agency). Silvia also reported to the East Java Regional Police.
The vehicle accessories entrepreneur from Jl Inspol Suwoto, Lawang District, made a complaint at the East Java Regional Police Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT), Wednesday (5/6/2023) afternoon
However, the victim answered that it was sent wrong. The perpetrator then sent another message and was told to open it. Not long after receiving the invitation there was an oddity on the victim's cellphone.
Because, after the invitation was opened, six mobile banking applications suddenly appeared. In fact, the victim does not feel downloading.
From there, gradually, the money in the victim's ATM balance decreased, accompanied by the appearance of transfer transaction notifications in emails. The total money that has been drained is IDR 1.4 billion.
The attorney for the victim, Hilmi F Ali, said that his party had reported the incident to the bank where the victim was saving. However, no response.
"We want to ask why this could happen. As priority customers, our clients want their money back," he said.
Because of that, his party was forced to go to the East Java Regional Police Headquarters to report the case. The hope, his client's savings money can be returned.
In that report, the victim brought evidence in the form of a checking account, savings book, proof of transaction and apk and copy of the victim's communication with the bank in the form of chat.
"Previously our client had also reported this case to OJK and LPS. Reports related to customer safety," he said.
“Late May 2023, our client received a digital wedding invitation. The invitation was clicked, then on his cellphone there were 6 mobile banking applications. However, only BRI conceded. This report to Polda is about illegal access and money laundering offences," said Hilmi, Silvia's attorney.
Hilmi told that the beginning of the disaster that befell her client was when Silvia received the digital wedding invitation at around 22.00 WIB. After clicking, suddenly his cellphone pops up a lot of advertisements. Feeling awkward, he checked all balances through mobile banking.
"The money was issued through BRImo, the transfer moved to another bank account. There is also a credit top-up worth IDR 40 million. From 22.00 WIB to 03.00 WIB, there were a total of dozens of transactions," he continued.
Oddly enough, said Hilmy, his client had never downloaded the BRImo application. However, the notification that his client received via email indicated that there was a transaction via BRImo.
“Our client has never downloaded or downloaded the BRImo application. When checking the account mutation, it was switched from BRImo. Who installed this BRImo?” he said.
Hilmi added, in general if you want to activate mobile banking, there is a double check between the bank and the customer.
The next day, after the BRI ATM balance was drained and only Rp. 2 million remained, Silvi questioned the security issue with Bank BRI KCP Lawang.
However, as a priority customer, BRI KCP Lawang cannot fulfill requests for refunds.
"We have also reported to the OJK (Financial Services Authority). Because as priority customers, our clients do not get security for the balance in their account," he said.
In addition, his party has also reported to LPS (Deposit Insurance Agency) regarding its supervision, so that the problem can be addressed, that it is true that the BRImo application is considered not safe with evidence that the client has had a breach.