Viral Video of the Great Wall Under the Sea of ​​Papua is 1,860 Meters High, This Says the Expert

Viral Video of the Great Wall Under the Sea of ​​Papua is 1,860 Meters High, This Says the Expert

- A viral video on social media depicting the appearance of a giant wall under the sea of ​​Papua. Unmitigated length is called 1010 km and a height of 1860 meters. 
"The appearance of a giant wall under the sea in Papua, 1,010 km long and 1,860 meters high," reads the title of the video. 

Furthermore, the video depicts a diver highlighting a large wall. At the same time, a narrative emerged stating that the giant underwater walls of Papua are still a mystery to scientists. 
"The unsolved mystery of the Papuan wall. The mountain which is under the Papuan sea is a giant wall that was built long ago, but whose project did it come from," wrote the narrative. 

After the video showing the diver highlighting the large wall, a 3D image that looks like a blue mountain appears. At the same time as if measuring the height of the mountain with precision. 
This video was just uploaded to the Papuazone account with 38,000 likes and 1,900 comments. 
"Actually, this was known about 10 years ago (if I remember correctly). There was one ustadz in Yogyakarta who explained about the Borobudur Temple, a relic from the Kingdom of Prophet Sulaiman, the ustadz also explained about the giant wall in the north of the island of Papua and there are traces of a giant wheel in the south of the island of Java - Nusa Tenggara. And all of that can be seen via Google Earth," wrote Widi Slamet. 
"To determine whether the wall was made by humans or the result of natural processes, you can see the structure and carvings. If there are carvings with connection structures between stones (such as pyramids and temples), it could be that they were made by humans, but if there are no connections at all and no carvingsusually due to natural processes. Because even at sea, geological processes occur dynamically," said Blikrisna. 

"That's the sea toll foundation min from 2014," commented me_crossfit. 
"But how come the wall isn't circular or square-shaped, like a wall that hasn't been built yet.. is that an abandoned wall, has corruption corruption development occurred in the archipelago since ancient times qala?" write a comment fahmar_ also tried to confirm to geologists that there were a lot of posts about this. To BRIN geologist, Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, we confirm this upload. According to him, the location and source of the video were unclear. 
"The source is not clear, the location is not clear. However, it is most likely a hoax or a misinterpretation of the appearance of lineaments on the bathymetry data on the Google map. This is due to the processing effect when creating the bathymetry data. This happens a lot in various places in the world," he said. 

If that's true, there's definitely an official publication and it's busy being discussed by scientists. He also appealed to the public not to be consumed by information that has no clear source. 
"Besides, if a sea expedition finds a large wall under the sea, the scientific world will surely be excited and there will be an official publication. Either this video is intentionally making a hoax or misinterpreting it, alias an arbitrary analysis," said Danny. 
The viral video of a giant wall under the sea in Papua, many believe it is true and are just looking for sensation. 
However, after receiving an explanation from a geologist, it must be believed that the viral video has no clear source. 

The following is a viral video of a giant wall under the sea in Papua which is viral on various social media. One of them from Instagram. 

"Actually, this was known about 10 years ago (if I remember correctly). There was one ustadz in Yogyakarta who explained about the Borobudur Temple, a relic from the Kingdom of Prophet Sulaiman, the ustadz also explained about the giant wall in the north of the island of Papua and there are traces of a giant wheel in the south of the island of Java - Nusa Tenggara. And all of that can be seen via Google Earth," wrote Widi Slamet. 
"To determine whether the wall was made by humans or the result of natural processes, you can see the structure and carvings. If there are carvings with connection structures between stones (such as pyramids and temples), it could be that they were made by humans, but if there are no connections at all and no carvingsusually due to natural processes. Because even at sea, geological processes occur dynamically," said Blikrisna. 
"That's the sea toll foundation min from 2014," commented me_crossfit. 
"But how come the wall isn't circular or square-shaped, like a wall that hasn't been built yet.. is that an abandoned wall, has corruption corruption development occurred in the archipelago since ancient times qala?" write a comment fahmar_ also tried to confirm to geologists that there were a lot of posts about this. To BRIN geologist, Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, we confirm this upload. According to him, the location and source of the video were unclear. 
"The source is not clear, the location is not clear. However, it is most likely a hoax or a misinterpretation of the appearance of lineaments on the bathymetry data on the Google map. This is due to the processing effect when creating the bathymetry data. This happens a lot in various places in the world," he said. 
If that's true, there's definitely an official publication and it's busy being discussed by scientists. He also appealed to the public not to be consumed by information that has no clear source. 
"Besides, if a sea expedition finds a large wall under the sea, the scientific world will surely be excited and there will be an official publication. Either this video is intentionally making a hoax or misinterpreting it, alias an arbitrary analysis," said Danny. 

Giant Wall Video Viral, Here's the Post

The viral video of a giant wall under the sea in Papua, many believe it is true and are just looking for sensation. 
However, after receiving an explanation from a geologist, it must be believed that the viral video has no clear source. 
The following is a viral video of a giant wall under the sea in Papua which is viral on various social media. One of them from Instagram. 

Viral Video Tembok Raksasa di Bawah Laut Papua Tingginya 1.860 Meter, Ini Kata Ahli

- Sebuah video viral di media sosial yang menggambarkan kemunculan tembok raksasa di bawah laut Papua. Tak tanggung-tanggung panjangnya disebut 1.010 km dan tinggi 1.860 meter.
"Geger kemunculan tembok raksasa di bawah laut Papua, panjang 1.010 km dan tinggi 1.860 meter," tulis judul video itu.

Selanjutnya, dalam video digambarkan ada seorang penyelam yang menyoroti sebuah dinding besar. Bersamaan itu, muncul narasi yang menyebutkan bahwa dinding raksasa bawah laut Papua masih menjadi misteri bagi ilmuwan.
"Misteri dinding Papua yang belum terpecahkan. Gunung yang terletak di bawah laut Papua sebuah tembok raksasa yang dibangun zaman dahulu tapi itu proyek siapa nya darimana," tulis narasi tersebut.

Setelah video bergambar penyelam menyoroti dinding besar itu, nampak gambar 3D seperti gunung berwarna biru dimunculkan. Sekaligus seakan mengukur tinggi gunung secara presisi.
Video ini baru diunggah di akun Papuazone dengan dilike 38 ribu orang dan dibanjiri komentar sebanyak 1.900 an.
"Sebenarnya ini sudah diketahui sekitar 10 tahun lalu (kalo tidak salah ingat). Ada salah satu ustadz di Yogyakarta yang menerangkan tentang Candi Borobudur peninggalan Kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman, ustadz tersebut juga menjelaskan tentang tembok raksasa di utara pulau Papua dan ada jejak Roda raksasa di selatan pulau Jawa - Nusa Tenggara. Dan itu semua bisa dilihat melalui Google Earth," tulis widi_slamet.
"Untuk memastikan apakah tembok tersebut dibuat manusia atau hasil dari proses alam, bisa dilihat struktur dan ukirannya, kalau terdapat ukiran2 dengan struktur sambungan antar batu (seperti piramid dan candi) bisa jadi itu dibuat manusia, tapi kalau tdk ada sambungan sama sekali dan tanpa ukiran biasanya karna proses alam. Karna di laut pun proses geologi terjadi secara dinamis," kata blikrisna.

"Itu pondasi toll laut min dari tahun 2014," komentar me_crossfit.
"Tapi kok temboknya gak melingkar atau berbentuk kotak, seperti tembok yg belum jadi.. apakah itu tembok mangkrak, apakah korupsi pembangunan sudah terjadi di Nusantara sejak jaman dahulu qala?" tulis komen fahmar_ pun mencoba mengonfirmasi kepada pakar geologi terkait ramai postingan tentang ini. Kepada ahli geologi BRIN, Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, unggahan ini kami konfirmasikan. Menurut dia, video itu tak jelas lokasi dan sumbernya.
"Gak jelas sumbernya, gak jelas lokasinya. Tetapi kemungkinan besar hoaks atau salah interpretasi kenampakan kelurusan pada data bathimetri di Google map. Karena efek processing ketika buat data bathimetri itu. Hal ini banyak terjadi di berbagai tempat di dunia," ujar dia.

Bila itu benar, sudah pasti ada publikasi secara resmi dan ramai menjadi perbincangan para ilmuwan. Ia pun menghimbau agar masyarakat tak termakan informasi yang tak jelas sumbernya.
"Lagian kalo emang ada ekspedisi laut yang menemukan tembok besar di bawah laut pasti dunia ilmiah sudah heboh dan ada publikasi resminya. Entah lewat video ini sengaja bikin hoaks atau salah interpretasi alias analisa sembarangan," kata Danny.
Viralnya video tembok raksasa di bawah laut Papua banyak yang meyakini itu benar dan sekadar cari sensasi.
Namun setelah mendapatkan penjelasan dari pakar geologi, harus diyakini bahwa video viral tersebut tak jelas sumbernya. 

Berikut adalah viral video tembok raksasa di bawah laut Papua yang viral diberagam media sosial. Salah satunya dari Instagram. 

"Sebenarnya ini sudah diketahui sekitar 10 tahun lalu (kalo tidak salah ingat). Ada salah satu ustadz di Yogyakarta yang menerangkan tentang Candi Borobudur peninggalan Kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman, ustadz tersebut juga menjelaskan tentang tembok raksasa di utara pulau Papua dan ada jejak Roda raksasa di selatan pulau Jawa - Nusa Tenggara. Dan itu semua bisa dilihat melalui Google Earth," tulis widi_slamet.
"Untuk memastikan apakah tembok tersebut dibuat manusia atau hasil dari proses alam, bisa dilihat struktur dan ukirannya, kalau terdapat ukiran2 dengan struktur sambungan antar batu (seperti piramid dan candi) bisa jadi itu dibuat manusia, tapi kalau tdk ada sambungan sama sekali dan tanpa ukiran biasanya karna proses alam. Karna di laut pun proses geologi terjadi secara dinamis," kata blikrisna.
"Itu pondasi toll laut min dari tahun 2014," komentar me_crossfit.
"Tapi kok temboknya gak melingkar atau berbentuk kotak, seperti tembok yg belum jadi.. apakah itu tembok mangkrak, apakah korupsi pembangunan sudah terjadi di Nusantara sejak jaman dahulu qala?" tulis komen fahmar_ pun mencoba mengonfirmasi kepada pakar geologi terkait ramai postingan tentang ini. Kepada ahli geologi BRIN, Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, unggahan ini kami konfirmasikan. Menurut dia, video itu tak jelas lokasi dan sumbernya.
"Gak jelas sumbernya, gak jelas lokasinya. Tetapi kemungkinan besar hoaks atau salah interpretasi kenampakan kelurusan pada data bathimetri di Google map. Karena efek processing ketika buat data bathimetri itu. Hal ini banyak terjadi di berbagai tempat di dunia," ujar dia.
Bila itu benar, sudah pasti ada publikasi secara resmi dan ramai menjadi perbincangan para ilmuwan. Ia pun menghimbau agar masyarakat tak termakan informasi yang tak jelas sumbernya.
"Lagian kalo emang ada ekspedisi laut yang menemukan tembok besar di bawah laut pasti dunia ilmiah sudah heboh dan ada publikasi resminya. Entah lewat video ini sengaja bikin hoaks atau salah interpretasi alias analisa sembarangan," kata Danny.

Viral Video Tembok Raksasa, Ini Postingannya

Viralnya video tembok raksasa di bawah laut Papua banyak yang meyakini itu benar dan sekadar cari sensasi.
Namun setelah mendapatkan penjelasan dari pakar geologi, harus diyakini bahwa video viral tersebut tak jelas sumbernya. 
Berikut adalah viral video tembok raksasa di bawah laut Papua yang viral diberagam media sosial. Salah satunya dari Instagram. 

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