Rayuan Maut Vicky Prasetyo Melamar Marshanda, Apa Jawabannya?

Rayuan Maut Vicky Prasetyo Melamar Marshanda, Apa Jawabannya?

Vicky Prasetyo merayu dan melamar Marshanda. (Dok: YouTube Gladiator Entertainment)

 - Vicky Prasetyo kembali jadi pemberitaan. Setelah menyandang status duda untuk kesekian kali, dirinya kini sedang mendekati dan berharap bisa menikahi Marshanda.

Marshanda sendiri sekarang ini memang juga masih sendiri setelah perceraiannya dengan Ben Kasyafani pada 2014 lalu. Hal itu diketahui dari tayangan YouTube Gladiator Entertainment yang diberi judul "Vicky dan Marshanda sepakat Bersama".

Di video tampak Vicky tengah mengunjungi rumah Marshanda. "Dari dulu aku grogi banget kalo ketemu Caca Marshanda," kata Vicky mulai merayu wanita kelahiran 1989 itu.

"Kamu tuh kalo lagi mengeluarkan jurus-jurus itu (rayuan) aku bingung ya harus bereaksinya bagaimana?" tanya Marshanda ke Vicky. 

Kemudian Vicky mengatakan ada seorang tokoh yang mengungkap bahwa jika seorang pria bisa tahu apakah bisa jatuh cinta dengan seorang wanita hanya dengan menatap wanita 30 detik saja. Vicky pun meminta izin ke Marshanda untuk melakukannya.

Tak berapa lama ternyata menurut Vicky pernyataan itu salah. Selain terkena jurus merayu yang Vicky lakukan justru Mashanda yang balik merayu laki-laki itu. "Ternyata salah, karena hanya perlu waktu tiga detik saja," sebut artis bernama lengkap Andriani Marshanda itu.

Marshanda lalu merasa menang dalam urusan merayu dari Vicky. Namun mengenai hubungan Vicky Prasetyo dan Marshanda sepanjang mereka mengobrol tampak ibu satu putri itu menanggapi apa yang diutarakan Vicky sebagai humor semata atau tidak serius.

Hal itu terlihat bagaimana Marshanda merespons dan menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan mantan suami Angel Lelga. Termasuk saat minta berdampingan di pelaminan serta pengandaian Vicky saat mereka berdua memiliki anak. 

Mengutip dari kanal Showbiz Liputan6.com, diakui Vicky, keinginannya menikahi Marshanda dilatarbelakangi dirinya yang ngefans dengan sang aktris. Vicky mengidolakan sosok Marshanda ketika memerankan tokoh Lala di sinetron Bidadari.

"Jadi waktu kecil, masih jadi bolang yang nonton TV aja di rumah tetangga, kita tuh mengidolakan banget sosok Lala," kata Vicky Prasetyo seperti dikutip dari kanal YouTube Seleb On Cam News, Senin 12 Juni 2023.

Vicky Prasetyo mengatakan dirinya ingin membuat Marshanda bahagia. Terlebih saat ini Marshanda selalu dilanda kesedihan.

"Nah sekarang saat dia sudah besar, Gladiator pasti akan mencapai pencapaiannya. Terlebih dia dalam situasi yang rapuh. Hati Marshanda kan lagi rapuh," tambahnya.

Vicky berjanji, apabila Marshanda mau menikah dengannya, dirinya akan selalu ada buatnya. Pria itu mengatakan momen saat ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk mendekati Marshanda yang sedang membutuhkan sosok sandaran.

"Aku bilang, 'Aku akan selalu ada buat kamu, you'll never walk alone, kalau kata Liverpool, aku nggak akan biarin kamu jalan sendirian. Aku akan selalu menjadi paus Yugoslavia. Pokoknya aku ingin jadi yang terbaik buat kamu," sebutnya lagi.

Vicky Prasetyo's Deadly Seduction Applying for Marshanda, What's the Answer? 

- Vicky Prasetyo is back in the news. After holding the status of a widower for the umpteenth time, he is now approaching and hopes to marry Marshanda. 

Marshanda itself is still single right now after her divorce from Ben Kasyafani in 2014. This is known from Gladiator Entertainment's YouTube broadcast entitled "Vicky and Marshanda Agree Together". 

In the video, Vicky can be seen visiting Marshanda's house. "From the beginning I was really nervous when I met Caca Marshanda," said Vicky, starting to seduce the woman born in 1989. 

"When you are issuing those moves (seduction), I'm confused, how should I react?" asked Marshanda to Vicky. 

Then Vicky said there was a character who revealed that if a man could know whether he could fall in love with a woman just by looking at a woman for 30 seconds. Vicky also asked Marshanda for permission to do so. 

It didn't take long for Vicky to say that the statement was wrong. Apart from being exposed to the seduction move that Vicky did, it was Mashanda who came back to seduce the boy. "It turned out wrong, because it only took three seconds," said the artist whose full name is Andriani Marshanda. 

Marshanda then felt victorious in seducing Vicky. However, regarding Vicky Prasetyo and Marshanda's relationship, as long as they were chatting, it seemed that the mother of one daughter responded to what Vicky said as just humor or not seriously. 

This can be seen how Marshanda responded and answered the questions asked by Angel Lelga's ex-husband. Including when he asked to be side by side at the aisle and Vicky's wish when they both had children. 

Quoting from the Showbiz Liputan6.com channel, Vicky admitted that his desire to marry Marshanda was motivated by his being a fan of the actress. Vicky idolized Marshanda when she played the character Lala in the soap opera Bidadari. 

"So when we were little, we were still lazy just watching TV at our neighbors' houses, we really idolized Lala," said Vicky Prasetyo as quoted from the Seleb On Cam News YouTube channel, Monday, June 12, 2023. 

Vicky Prasetyo said he wanted to make Marshanda happy. Especially at this time Marshanda always beset by sadness. 

"Now that he's grown up, Gladiator will definitely achieve his achievements. Moreover, he's in a fragile situation. Marshanda's heart is even more fragile," he added. 

Vicky promised that if Marshanda wanted to marry him, he would always be there for her. The man said that the current moment was the right time to approach Marshanda, who was in need of a support figure. 

"I said, 'I will always be there for you, you'll never walk alone, if Liverpool say, I won't let you walk alone. I will always be the pope of Yugoslavia. Anyway, I want to be the best for you," he said again . 

Vicky Prasetyo Daftar Jadi Caleg

Vicky Prasetyo (Foto: Instagram/@vickyprasetyo777)

Selain itu, Vicky juga tidak bisa melihat Marshanda hanyut dalam kesedihan dengan permasalahan hidupnya. Karena itu, Vicky ingin menjadi bagian kehidupan dari Marshanda untuk bisa mengusap air matanya.

"Kan Gladiator nggak bisa melihat wanita sedih, jadi aku bilang, 'Aku 24 jam siap untuk menjadi sandaran curhatan kamu. Aku lebih baik mengusap air matamu daripada laki-laki lain yang mengusap air matamu," pungkas Vicky Prasetyo.

Di luar pemberitaan tentang Vicky Prasetyo yang melamar Marshanda, sebelumnya Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu), pemberitaan mulai diramaikan tentang bakal calon legislatif (Bacaleg) dan calon presiden yang akan maju pada pileg dan pilpres mendatang. Bersamaan dengan itu, banyak nama-nama artis yang bermunculan ikut meramaikan politik.

Vicky Prasetyo, Ustaz Yusuf Mansur, hingga Aldi Taher cukup ramai menjadi perbincangan. Nama-nama itu disebut-sebut masuk dalam daftar bakal calon legislatif (Bacaleg) dari partai Perindo.

Kabar itu bukan isapan jempol belaka. Hary Tanoe selaku Ketua Umum Partai Perindo mengumumkannya hal tersebut melalui unggahan di Instagram pribadinya.

Hary Tanoe tampaknya bangga dengan nama-nama artis yang menghiasi daftar bacaleg dari partainya itu. Dalam sebuah unggahan, Hary Tanoe memajang potret bersama dengan Vicky Prasetyo dan beberapa tandem bacaleg lainnya. Vicky Prasetyo diproyeksikan untuk maju sebagai Caleg di Dapil Jabar.

"Senin 8 Mei 2023: Mas Vicky Prasetyo maju Pileg melalui Partai Perindo Dapil Jabar, hadir bersama tandem Bacaleg Provinsi Jabar dan Kota Bekasi. Hebat, tandem Bacaleg-nya artis semua! #HT" ungkap Hary Tanoe waktu itu.

Bukan hanya itu, sebelumnya juga Hary Tanoe memamerkan sebuah kartu anggota yang diketahui adalah milik Ustaz Yusuf Mansur. Pendakwah kondang itu bergabung dengan Perindo dan maju untuk Caleg DPR RI Dapil DKI Jakarta.

"Ini KTA Partai Perindo kawan saya: Ustaz Yusuf Mansur. Selamat bergabung dengan Partai Perindo, sekaligus maju sebagai Caleg DPR RI Dapil DKI Jakarta I (Jakarta Timur). Membangun Indonesia merupakan tanggung jawab kita bersama. Mari kita bangun Indonesia yang maju dan sejahtera," tulis Hary Tanoe dalam unggahan lain.

Vicky Prasetyo Registers to Become a Legislative Candidate

Besides that, Vicky also couldn't see Marshanda drifting in sadness with her life's problems. Because of that, Vicky wanted to be a part of Marshanda's life to be able to wipe away her tears. 

"Gladiators can't see women sad, so I said, 'I am 24 hours ready to rely on your stories. I would rather wipe your tears than other men wipe your tears," concluded Vicky Prasetyo. 

Apart from the news about Vicky Prasetyo proposing to Marshanda, prior to the General Election (Pemilu), news began to liven up about the prospective legislative candidates (Bacaleg) and presidential candidates who would advance in the upcoming legislative and presidential elections. At the same time, many artist names have sprung up to enliven politics. 

Vicky Prasetyo, Ustaz Yusuf Mansur, and Aldi Taher were quite busy being discussed. These names are said to be included in the list of prospective legislative candidates (Bacaleg) from the Perindo party. 

The news is not a figment of the imagination. Hary Tanoe as General Chairperson of the Perindo Party announced this by uploading it on his personal Instagram. 

Hary Tanoe seems proud of the names of the artists who have graced his party's Bacaleg list. In an upload, Hary Tanoe displays a portrait together with Vicky Prasetyo and several other tandem Bacalegs. Vicky Prasetyo is projected to run as a candidate for the West Java Dapil. 

"Monday 8 May 2023: Mas Vicky Prasetyo is running for legislative elections through the West Java Dapil Perindo Party, attending with the tandem Bacalegs of West Java Province and Bekasi City. Great, the tandem Bacalegs are all artists! #HT" said Hary Tanoe at that time. 

Not only that, previously Hary Tanoe also showed off a membership card that was known to belong to Ustaz Yusuf Mansur. The famous preacher joined Perindo and ran as a candidate for the DPR RI Dapil DKI Jakarta. 

"This is the KTA of the Perindo Party, my friend: Ustaz Yusuf Mansur. Congratulations on joining the Perindo Party, as well as advancing as a candidate for the DPR RI for the DKI Jakarta I (East Jakarta) district. Building Indonesia is our shared responsibility. Let's build an advanced and prosperous Indonesia," wrote Hary Tanoe in another upload. 

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