PDIP DKI Criticizes Anies Who Speaks 'Ideas Become Works': It's all messed up

PDIP DKI Criticizes Anies Who Speaks 'Ideas Become Works': It's all messed up

PDIP DKI Criticizes Anies Who Speaks 'Ideas Become Works': It's all messed up

The Head of Badiklatda PDIP DKI Jakarta Gilbert Simanjuntak strongly criticized the Presidential Candidate (bacapres) Anies Baswedan who spoke about the importance of an idea or imagination to become a masterpiece. Gilbert conveyed that Anies Baswedan's ideas were all messed up. 

"His ideas are all purely chaotic. I'm also having trouble finding it (positive things from Anies), I don't see anything that makes Jakarta better than before," Gilbert said when contacted, Monday (26/6/2023). 

Gilbert then explained his argument. He initially discussed the issue of JIS which was claimed to be the work of Anies Baswedan, but it was not. 


"JIS was almost stalled until finally the Central Government financed 80% of the budget through PEN. The idea was not from Anies but since Sutiyoso. The Jokowi era wanted to replace the Lebak Bulus stadium which was taken into an MRT station. Anies only cut tape at JIS, and the quality of JIS, which was broken by the spectator's kick and the lack of doors along with security problems, was Anies' creation, which failed to become a venue for the competition. In the end, it only became a venue for concerts and non-sports activities," he explained. 

Then, Gilbert criticized the pavement which Anies Baswedan also claimed was his work. He said that the sidewalks in DKI Jakarta actually had the wrong concept. 

"Sidewalks are a wrong concept, along with the concept of bicycle lanes. The idea that is working is to add to Jakarta's traffic jams, and Anies's work is to make Jakarta the world's most polluted city," he said. 

PDIP DKI Kritik Keras Anies yang Bicara 'Gagasan Jadi Karya': Kacau Semua

Kepala Badiklatda PDIP DKI Jakarta Gilbert Simanjuntak mengkritik keras Bakal Calon Presiden (bacapres) Anies Baswedan yang bicara pentingnya sebuah gagasan atau imajinasi hingga menjadi sebuah karya. Gilbert menyampaikan gagasan Anies Baswedan justru kacau semua.

"Gagasan dia murni kacau semua. Saya juga kesulitan mencarinya (hal positif dari Anies), saya tidak melihat ada yang bikin Jakarta lebih baik dari sebelumnya," kata Gilbert saat dihubungi, Senin (26/6/2023).

Gilbert lantas menjelaskan argumentasinya. Dia awalnya membahas soal JIS yang diklaim sebagai karya Anies Baswedan, padahal bukan.


"JIS itu hampir mangkrak hingga akhirnya Pemerintah Pusat membiayai 80% anggaran lewat PEN. Gagasan itu bukan dari Anies tapi sejak Sutiyoso. Era Jokowi ingin mengganti stadion Lebak Bulus yang diambil jadi stasiun MRT. Anies hanya gunting pita di JIS, dan kualitas JIS yg bobol ditendang penonton dan pintu yang minim berikut masalah keamanan itu buah karya Anies sehingga gagal jadi tempat pertandingan. Akhirnya cuma jadi tempat konser dan kegiatan non-olahraga," jelasnya.

Kemudian, Gilbert mengkritik terkait trotoar yang juga diklaim Anies Baswedan sebagai karyanya. Dia menyebut trotoar di DKI Jakarta justru salah konsep.

"Trotoar adalah konsep yang salah seiring konsep jalur sepeda. Gagasan yang jadi karya untuk menambah kemacetan Jakarta, dan karya Anies untuk membuat Jakarta kota terpolusi sejagad," ujar dia.

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