Marquez Accused of MotoGP Golden Boy, Often Makes Mistakes but Rarely Punished

Marquez Accused of MotoGP Golden Boy, Often Makes Mistakes but Rarely Punished

Marquez Accused of MotoGP Golden Boy, Often Makes Mistakes but Rarely Punished

Valentino Rossi's student, Marco Bezzecchi, accused Marc Marquez of being the golden boy of MotoGP. Because, according to Bezzecchi, Marquez often makes mistakes that endanger other racers, but rarely gets a commensurate punishment. 

Disitat from Crash .net, Marquez touched the back of Bezzecchi's motorbike in the third free practice of the German MotoGP. At that time, Marquez was declared innocent. In fact, on the contrary, it was Bezzecchi who was accused of committing an offence. 

"They (Race Direction) did not blame Marquez for the incident, instead I was accused," said Bezzecchi, quoted on Thursday (22/6). 

"This time, Marquez crashed into me and they actually gave me a warning. In fact, until now, the parties concerned have not said anything to me," he added. 

Thanks to this incident, Bezzecchi suspects, Marquez is MotoGP's favorite racer. The effect, he said, was that Marquez did not learn from his mistakes and kept repeating them in other races. 

"I repeat, Marc always does whatever he wants (on the track) and they have never punished him," he said. 

Apart from Bezzecchi, the statement 'Marquez is the golden boy of MotoGP' has also been conveyed by other racers, such as Aleix Espargaro and Johann Zarco. They say, the figure nicknamed The Baby Alien often survives the threat of punishment. 

It is known, Marquez himself is still having trouble finding his best performance. He just collected 15 points and all of them came from the sprint race session. 

Meanwhile, in the Sunday race session, Marquez has never won a point. He has had many accidents and has been absent in four series so far, including the German MotoGP. 

At the German MotoGP, Marquez had five accidents. In fact, thanks to a series of incidents, he broke his finger. 

Marquez is now ready to return to racing at the Dutch MotoGP which will take place this weekend. The Baby Alien will try to break the series of bad results this season. 

Marquez Dituding Anak Emas MotoGP, Sering Bikin Salah tapi Jarang Dihukum

Murid Valentino Rossi, Marco Bezzecchi menuding Marc Marquez sebagai anak emas MotoGP. Sebab, menurut Bezzecchi, Marquez kerap membuat kesalahan hingga membahayakan pebalap lain, namun jarang mendapat hukuman sepadan.

Disitat dari Crash .net, Marquez sempat menyentuh bagian belakang motor Bezzecchi di latihan bebas ketiga MotoGP Jerman. Ketika itu, Marquez dinyatakan tak bersalah. Bahkan, sebaliknya, Bezzecchi yang dituding melakukan pelanggaran.

"Mereka (Race Direction) tidak menyalahkan Marquez atas kejadian tersebut, malah saya yang kena tuding," ujar Bezzecchi, dikutip Kamis (22/6).

"Kali ini, Marquez menabrak saya dan mereka justru memberikan saya peringatan. Bahkan, hingga saat ini, pihak terkait belum mengatakan apa pun kepada saya," tambahnya.

Berkat kejadian tersebut, Bezzecchi menduga, Marquez merupakan pebalap kesayangan MotoGP. Efeknya, kata dia, Marquez tak belajar dari kesalahan dan terus mengulangnya di balapan lain.

"Saya ulangi, Marc selalu melakukan apa pun yang dia mau (di lintasan) dan mereka tidak pernah memberikan hukuman kepadanya," kata dia.

Selain Bezzecchi, pernyataan 'Marquez anak emas MotoGP' juga pernah disampaikan pebalap lain, seperti Aleix Espargaro dan Johann Zarco. Mereka menyebut, sosok berjuluk The Baby Alien itu kerap selamat dari ancaman hukuman.

Diketahui, Marquez sendiri saat ini masih kesulitan menemukan performa terbaiknya. Dia baru mengumpulkan 15 poin dan semuanya itu berasal dari sesi sprint race.

Sedangkan di sesi balapan Minggu, Marquez belum pernah meraih poin. Ia berkali-kali mengalami kecelakaan dan sempat absen di empat seri sejauh ini, termasuk di MotoGP Jerman.

Pada MotoGP Jerman, Marquez mengalami lima kali kecelakaan. Bahkan, berkat rentetan insiden tersebut, dia mematahkan jari tangannya.

Marquez kini sudah bersiap kembali balapan di MotoGP Belanda yang berlangsung akhir pekan nanti. The Baby Alien bakal berupaya memutus rentetan hasil buruk sepanjang musim ini.

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