Former Chief of Police in Cirebon Orders His Men to Fake Signs of Porridge Builder's Report

Former Chief of Police in Cirebon Orders His Men to Fake Signs of Porridge Builder's Report

Former Chief of Police in Cirebon Orders His Men to Fake Signs of Porridge Builder's Report

Investigator from the Mundu Police, Cirebon, West Java, Aipda H, underwent a code of ethics trial that was held by the Professional and Security Division (Propam) of the Cirebon City Police last week. 

Aipda H is undergoing trial in connection with a fraud case against a porridge seller from Cirebon Regency, Wahidin, which was committed by the former Mundu Police Chief AKP SW and a PNS SDM Polri Headquarters with the initials NY. 

Wahidin deposited Rp. 310 million to SW and NY so that Wahidin's children could be accepted for selection to enter the 2021 National Police Officers. 

However, Wahidin's son did not graduate. While the money has been deposited to NY and SW. 

In court, Aipda H was proven to have carried out his duties unprofessionally in handling fraud reports submitted by victims. 

The decision of the disciplinary hearing, H underwent special placement for 21 days and received a written warning. 

"Indeed there is one member with the initials H in relation to a disciplinary case. H is considered unprofessional in handling a complaint. The decision from the disciplinary hearing was a written warning and placement in a special place for 21 days," said Head of the Cirebon City Police Propram, Iptu Sukirno, Tuesday (20/6/2023). 

Meanwhile, the victim's attorney, Eka Suryaatmaja, explained that Aipda H forged the signature of the Head of the Mundu Police SPK in the report submitted by the victim in 2021. 

The forgery was ordered by AKP SW. 

"You can go straight to KSPK with the initials AK. In his confession at the West Java Paminal Polda, his signature was forged. So, all of these (police reports) are fakes to cheer Wahidin up so that Wahidin doesn't make a fuss everywhere. So two years Wahidin was ignored," said Eka while showing a number of files at a conference on Saturday (17/6/2023). 

Mantan Kapolsek di Cirebon Perintahkan Anak Buah Palsukan Tanda Tangan Laporan Tukang Bubur

Penyidik Polsek Mundu, Cirebon, Jawa Barat, Aipda H, menjalani sidang kode etik yang digelar Bidang Profesi dan Pengamanan (Propam) Polres Cirebon Kota, pekan lalu.

Aipda H menjalani sidang terkait dengan kasus penipuan tehadap tukang bubur asal Kabupaten Cirebon, Wahidin, yang dilakukan mantan Kapolsek Mundu AKP SW dan PNS SDM Mabes Polri berinisial NY.

Wahidin menyetorkan uang Rp 310 juta kepada SW dan NY agar anak Wahidin bisa diterima dalam seleksi masuk Bintara Polri 2021.

Namun, anak Wahidin tidak lulus. Sementara uang sudah disetorkan ke NY dan SW. 

Dalam persidangan, Aipda H terbukti melakukan tugas secara tidak profesional dalam menangani laporan penipuan yang disampaikan oleh korban.

Keputusan sidang disiplin, H menjalani penempatan khusus selama 21 hari dan mendapat teguran tertulis.

"Memang ada satu anggota berinisial H kaitannya perkara disiplin. H dinilai tidak profesional dalam menangani suatu pengaduan. Keputusan dari sidang disiplin itu adalah surat teguran tertulis dan penempatan di tempat khusus selama 21 hari,” ujar Kasi Propram Polres Cirebon Kota, Iptu Sukirno, Selasa (20/6/2023).

Sementara, kuasa hukum korban, Eka Suryaatmaja, menjelaskan, Aipda H memalsukan tanda tangan Kepala SPK Polsek Mundu dalam laporan yang disampaikan korban pada 2021.

Pemalsuan itu atas perintah dari AKP SW.

"Bapak bisa langsung ke KSPK atas inisial AK. Dalam pengakuan di Paminal Polda Jabar, ini dipalsukan tanda tangannya. Jadi, ini semua (laporan polisi) adalah pemalsuan untuk ngadem-ngademin Wahidin supaya Wahidin tidak ribut ke mana-mana. Jadi dua tahun Wahidin diabaikan,” kata Eka sambil menunjukkan sejumlah berkas saat konferensi pada Sabtu (17/6/2023).

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