Erick Mentions A Number Of Constraints For JIS Becoming The U-17 Pildun Venue, This Said Jakpro

Erick Mentions A Number Of Constraints For JIS Becoming The U-17 Pildun Venue, This Said Jakpro

Erick Mentions A Number Of Constraints For JIS Becoming The U-17 Pildun Venue, This Said Jakpro

Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) is one of the venue options for the U-17 World Cup (Pildun) in November-December 2023. Jakarta Propertindo (JakPro), as the manager of JIS, hopes this will be realized. 

"We hope so," said VP Corsec JakPro Syachrial Syarif when contacted, Monday (26/6/2023). 

Syachrial then responded to the assessment of the Chairman of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) Erick Thohir regarding a number of obstacles if the U-17 Pildun was held at JIS, such as parking lots and spectator access. Syachrial said that JIS has proven successful as a venue for major and even international events. 

"In terms of parking, we have also held large events with tens of thousands of spectators, which is safe. So it's not the Gods (event), yes, the Gods complained yesterday, right? But before that, we directed the parking process, I think it's also a process that we can improve," he said. 

He assured that JIS was fully ready to be used for the U-17 Pildun match. Jakpro will work closely with the Provincial Government to make JIS better. 

"JIS itself is fully prepared, because it has also been used to organize several major national and international events, sports and entertainment. It has been proven that we can organize it within JIS. We cooperate with the supporting infrastructure with the provincial government to make it better. Ready, we are ready," he added. 

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) previously said JIS would be the venue option for the U-17 World Cup which will be held in November-December 2023. Erick Thohir reviewed the feasibility of JIS. 

"I am very open to Mr. President's directives for several stadiums where standardization is already possible. That is what I conveyed to Mr. President. Of course FIFA will review it. Don't let the stadiums we propose later be of course not in accordance with standardization. Including the JIS Stadium, we will definitely check it," said Erick at the Presidential Palace Complex, Central Jakarta, Monday afternoon. 

Nevertheless, Erick revealed that there were a number of notes given by FIFA to JIS when the stadium became an option for the U-20 World Cup venue. One of them, said Erick, is limited audience access. 

Erick said audience access is important. Because, it is related to the safety of the audience. 

"What is certain is yesterday's note that the problem was parking and spectator access. What should have been four doors, only one door opened. Of course we have to anticipate the safety of the fans," he said. 

"Don't let the fans go home safely. It is these accesses that must be ensured. It can't be just one door. This is what we have to review on the field," he continued. 

The BUMN Minister admitted that he had actually received the latest report regarding JIS. However, he confirmed that he would personally inspect the stadium with the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono and PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono. 

"I have actually received the report, but of course later with Pak Heru as the Acting governor, I think I will review it directly with Pak Basuki as well. What deficiencies do you think must be completed?" said Erick. 

Apart from spectator access and parking, Erick said, at that time the problem of JIS grass was a problem. According to him, FIFA will definitely provide an objective assessment regarding whether JIS meets the venue standards for the U-17 World Cup. 

Erick Sebut Sejumlah Kendala JIS Jadi Venue Pildun U-17, Ini Kata Jakpro

Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) menjadi salah satu opsi venue Piala Dunia (Pildun) U-17 pada November-Desember 2023. Jakarta Propertindo (JakPro), selaku pengelola JIS, berharap hal tersebut terealisasi.

"Kami berharap demikian," kata VP Corsec JakPro Syachrial Syarif saat dihubungi, Senin (26/6/2023).

Syachrial kemudian menanggapi penilaian Ketua Umum Persatuan Sepakbola Seluruh Indonesia (PSSI) Erick Thohir soal sejumlah kendala bila Pildun U-17 digelar di JIS, seperti lahan parkir dan akses penonton. Syachrial mengatakan JIS terbukti sukses menjadi tempat gelaran event besar bahkan internasional.

"Kalau parkir, kita juga pernah menyelenggarakan event besar dengan jumlah penonton puluhan ribu yang aman-aman saja. Jadi bukan (event) Dewa ya, kalau Dewa kan kemarin dikeluhkan ya. Tapi sebelumnya kita ada mengarahkan proses parkir saya kira itu juga suatu proses yang bisa kita perbaiki," ujarnya.

Dia meyakinkan JIS siap sepenuhnya digunakan untuk laga Pildun U-17. Jakpro akan bekerja sama dengan Pemprov untuk membuat JIS lebih baik.

"Kalau JIS sendiri itu sudah siap sepenuhnya, karena sudah dimanfaatkan juga penyelenggaraan beberapa event besar nasional maupun internasional, olahraga maupun hiburan. Itu kan sudah terbukti kita bisa selenggarakan di dalam JIS nya. Prasarana pendukungnya kita kerjasama dengan pemprov untuk membuat lebih baik. Siap dong, kami siap" imbuhnya.

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) sebelumnya mengatakan JIS sebagai opsi venue untuk Piala Dunia U-17 yang akan digelar pada November-Desember 2023 mendatang. Erick Thohir meninjau ulang kelayakan JIS.

"Saya sangat terbuka arahan Bapak Presiden untuk juga beberapa stadion yang memang standarisasinya sudah bisa. Itu yang saya sampaikan kepada bapak presiden. Tentu FIFA akan meninjau ulang. Jangan sampai nanti stadion yang kita usulkan tentu tidak sesuai dengan standardisasi. Termasuk tadi Stadion JIS juga pasti kita akan cek," kata Erick di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta Pusat, Senin siang.

Kendati demikian, Erick mengungkapkan ada sejumlah catatan yang diberikan FIFA ke JIS saat stadion menjadi opsi venue Piala Dunia U-20. Salah satunya, kata Erick, adalah akses penonton yang terbatas.

Erick mengatakan akses penonton merupakan hal yang penting. Sebab, hal itu terkait dengan keselamatan penonton.

"Yang pasti menjadi catatan kemarin kendalanya itu parkir sama akses penonton. Yang harusnya ada empat pintu, baru terbuka satu pintu. Ini yang tentu harus kita antisipasi keselamatan daripada suporter," tutur dia.

"Jangan sampai suporter tidak pulang ke rumah dengan selamat. Akses-akses ini yang harus dipastikan. Tidak mungkin hanya satu pintu. Ini yang harus kita tinjau di lapangan," sambungnya.

Menteri BUMN itu mengaku sejatinya sudah mendapatkan laporan terbaru terkait JIS. Namun, dia memastikan akan meninjau langsung stadion tersebut bersama Pj Gubernur DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono dan Menteri PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono.

"Saya sudah dapat laporannya sebenarnya tapi tentu nanti bersama Pak Heru sebagai Plt gubernur, kira akan meninjau langsung bersama Pak Basuki juga. Kira kira kekurangan apa yang harus dilengkapi?" ujar Erick.

Selain akses penonton dan parkir, Erick menuturkan, persoalan rumput JIS kala itu menjadi masalah. Menurutnya, FIFA pasti akan memberikan penilaian yang objektif terkait apakah JIS memenuhi standar venue untuk Piala Dunia U-17.

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