Netizens Complain about Argo Parahyangan Mahal Ticket Prices, KAI: Adjusts "Demand"

Netizens Complain about Argo Parahyangan Mahal Ticket Prices, KAI: Adjusts "Demand"

Netizens Complain about Argo Parahyangan Mahal Ticket Prices, KAI: Adjusts "Demand"

Netizens are busy complaining about the increasingly expensive Argo Parahyangan Train (KA) ticket prices. 

The train with the Jakarta-Bandung route is priced at IDR 250,000 for the Executive Train according to this account, Tuesday (9/5/2023). 

In the uploads of other netizens, the ticket price for the Argo Parahyangan Ekonomi train reaches IDR 150,000. 

"Even though 2022 Executives are only 125k," said netizens. 

"This is the effect of the fast train, if ordinary train tickets have gone up," said another. 

"Last March it was still 200k, now it's just going up again," said the TikTok account. 

As of Wednesday (10/5/2023), the upload has been played 55,400 times and liked by 1,325 accounts. 

So, what causes Argo Parahyangan train ticket prices to increase? 

KAI explanation
KAI Public Relations Vice President Joni Martinus said, Argo Parahyangan train tickets are included in the type of commercial fare. 

"Commercial rates fluctuate according to demand from customers," said Joni, when contacted by, Wednesday (10/5/2023). 

In other words, Argo Parahyangan train ticket prices will be high when there is a surge in demand. Vice versa. 

However, Joni ensures that Argo Parahyangan train ticket prices are always within the specified fare limits. 

"We also make sure that the tariff is always within the stipulated Lower Limit Tariff (TBB)-Upper Limit Tariff (TBA), "explained Joni. 

The determination of ticket prices for the Argo Parahyangan train is different from trains that are Public Service Obligation (PSO). 

"(KA's PSO) fares always remain in accordance with the rates set by the government," said Joni. 

When asked about the link between the Argo Parahyangan train ticket price and the Jakarta-Bandung fast train project, Joni declined to comment. 

Cheap ticket alternative

For people who object to the ticket price for the Argo Parahyangan train, Joni offers an alternative to get the same ticket at a lower price. 

"To provide an alternative, KAI also sells tickets to various destinations in various classes and subclasses," said KAI. 

That way, prospective passengers can choose fares according to their needs. 

"KAI also provides Special Rates where customers can buy tickets at a lower rate specifically for certain routes and trains," he added. 

These tickets can be purchased through the KAI Access application or the station counter a maximum of 2 hours before departure. 

KAI also admits that it routinely provides ticket discount promo events and provides reduced rates for the elderly, infants, journalists, and various other agencies. 

Warganet Keluhkan Harga Tiket Argo Parahyangan Mahal, KAI: Menyesuaikan "Demand"

Warganet ramai mengeluhkan harga tiket Kereta Api (KA) Argo Parahyangan yang semakin mahal.

Kereta dengan rute Jakarta-Bandung itu tembus di harga Rp 250.000 untuk KA Eksekutif menurut akun ini, Selasa (9/5/2023).

Dalam unggahan warganet lainnya, harga tiket KA Argo Parahyangan Ekonomi mencapai Rp 150.000.

"Padahal 2022 Eksekutif cuma 125k," kata warganet.

"Efek kereta cepat nih, hadi tiket kereta biasa apa-apa udah pada naik," tutur yang lain.

"Bulan maret lalu masih 200k deh skrng udh naik lg aja ya," ucap akun TikTok.

Hingga Rabu (10/5/2023), unggahan tersebut telah diputar 55.400 kali dan disukai sebanyak 1.325 akun.

Lantas, apa penyebab harga tiket KA Argo Parahyangan semakin naik?

Penjelasan KAI
Vice President Public Relations KAI Joni Martinus mengatakan, tiket KA Argo Parahyangan termasuk ke dalam jenis tarif komersial.

"Tarif komersial sifatnya fluktuatif menyesuaikan dengan demand dari pelanggan," kata Joni, saat dihubungi Kompas .com, Rabu (10/5/2023).

Dengan kata lain, harga tiket KA Argo Parahyangan akan tinggi ketika terjadi lonjakan permintaan. Begitu sebaliknya.

Akan tetapi, Joni memastikan bahwa harga tiket KA Argo Parahyangan selalu berada dalam batas tarif yang ditentukan.

"Tarifnya juga kami pastikan selalu berada dalam Tarif Batas Bawah (TBB)-Tarif Batas Atas (TBA) yang telah ditetapkan," terang Joni.

Penentuan harga tiket KA Argo Parahyangan ini berbeda dengan kereta api yang bersifat Public Service Obligation (PSO).

"(KA yang PSO) tarifnya selalu tetap sesuai dengan tarif yang telah ditentukan oleh pemerintah," tutur Joni.

Saat ditanya tentang keterkaitan harga tiket KA Argo Parahyangan dengan proyek kereta cepat Jakarta-Bandung, Joni enggan berkomentar.

Alternatif tiket murah

Bagi masyarakat yang merasa keberatan dengan harga tiket KA Argo Parahyangan, Joni menawarkan alternatif untuk mendapatkan tiket yang sama dengan harga lebih murah.

"Untuk memberikan alternatif, KAI juga menjual tiket ke berbagai tujuan dalam berbagai kelas dan subkelas," kata KAI.

Dengan begitu, calon penumpang bisa memilih tarif sesuai dengan kebutuhannya.

"KAI juga menyediakan Tarif Khusus di mana pelanggan dapat membeli tiket dengan tarif lebih murah khusus untuk rute dan KA-KA tertentu," imbuhnya.

Tiket tersebut dapat dibeli melalui aplikasi KAI Access atau loket stasiun maksimal 2 jam sebelum keberangkatan.

KAI juga mengaku rutin menyediakan event promo diskon tiket dan menyediakan Tarif Reduksi bagi lansia, infant, wartawan, dan berbagai instansi lainnya.

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