Mahfud Asks Police to Investigate Denny Indrayana's Source on the 'Post for Party' Election

Mahfud Asks Police to Investigate Denny Indrayana's Source on the 'Post for Party' Election

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud Md spoke out regarding Denny Indrayana's claim, who claimed to have received information that the Constitutional Court (MK) would return the legislative election system to a closed proportional system or vote for parties. Mahfud said the Constitutional Court's decision could not be leaked before it was read out. 

"Regardless of anything, the Constitutional Court's decision cannot be leaked before it is read out," Mahfud said in a tweet on his personal Twitter account @mohmahfudmd, as quoted by detikcom, Sunday (28/5/2023). 

Mahfud assessed that the information from Denny Indrayana could be categorized as leaking state secrets. According to him, the police must intervene to investigate the source of the information from Denny Indrayana. 

"This information from Denny sets a bad precedent, it can be categorized as leaking state secrets. The police must investigate A1's information which is said to be Denny's source so that speculation does not contain slander," said Mahfud. 

As previously reported, the former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) who now works as an advocate, Denny Indrayana, claimed to have received information regarding the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the legislative election system which will return to a closed proportional system or vote. party. It is claimed by Denny that the verdict was colored by dissenting opinions at the Constitutional Court. 

He also rolled out issues related to the extension of the term of office of the KPK leadership to the submission of Moeldoko's Judicial Review (PK) regarding the Democratic Party dispute. Denny himself is known to be one of Anies Baswedan's supporters as a presidential candidate (bacapres). 

"KPK is controlled, leaders tend to have problems which are rewarded with a 1 year extension of office. PK Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko, over the Democratic Party, is suspected of being exchanged for the judicial mafia corruption case at the Supreme Court. If the Democrats succeed in being "pickpocketed", in the words of Gus Romi PPP, then Anies Baswedan's candidacy is almost certain to fail. Is there still hope? What is certain is that we will continue to strive, while waiting for miracles," said Denny. 

Mahfud Minta Polisi Selidiki Sumber Denny Indrayana soal Pemilu 'Coblos Partai'

Menko Polhukam Mahfud Md angkat bicara terkait klaim Denny Indrayana yang mengaku mendapatkan informasi bahwa Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) akan mengembalikan sistem pemilu legislatif ke sistem proporsional tertutup atau coblos partai. Mahfud menyebut putusan MK tak boleh dibocorkan sebelum dibacakan.

"Terlepas dari apapun, putusan MK tak boleh dibocorkan sebelum dibacakan," kata Mahfud dalam cuitan di akun Twitter pribadinya @mohmahfudmd, seperti dikutip detikcom, Minggu (28/5/2023).

Mahfud menilai informasi dari Denny Indrayana bisa dikategorikan pembocoran rahasia negara. Menurutnya, kepolisian harus turun tangan menyelidiki sumber informasi dari Denny Indrayana tersebut.

"Info dari Denny ini jadi preseden buruk, bisa dikategorikan pembocoran rahasia negara. Polisi harus selidiki info A1 yang katanya menjadi sumber Denny agar tak jadi spekulasi yang mengandung fitnah," ucap Mahfud.

Diberitakan sebelumnya, mantan Wakil Menteri Hukum dan HAM (Wamenkumham) yang kini berprofesi sebagai advokat, Denny Indrayana, mengklaim mendapatkan informasi mengenai putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) perihal sistem pemilu legislatif yang akan kembali ke sistem proporsional tertutup atau coblos partai. Putusan itu diklaim Denny diwarnai perbedaan pendapat atau dissenting opinion di MK.

Dia turut menggulirkan isu terkait perpanjangan masa jabatan Pimpinan KPK hingga terkait pengajuan Peninjauan Kembali (PK) Moeldoko terkait sengketa Partai Demokrat. Denny sendiri diketahui sebagai salah satu pendukung Anies Baswedan sebagai bakal calon presiden (bacapres).

"KPK dikuasai, pimpinan cenderung bermasalah yang dihadiahi gratifikasi perpanjangan jabatan 1 tahun. PK Kepala Staf Kepresidenan Moeldoko, atas Partai Demokrat, diduga ditukarguling dengan kasus korupsi mafia peradilan di MA. Jika Demokrat berhasil "dicopet", istilah Gus Romi PPP, maka pencapresan Anies Baswedan hampir pasti gagal. Masihkah ada harapan? Yang pasti terus ikhtiar berjuang, sambil menanti kemukjizatan," kata Denny.

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