Why are there many civil servants who are rich even though their salary is small?

Why are there many civil servants who are rich even though their salary is small? 

- Working as a PNS is usually a dream for many people, one of which is the previous parent. 

Becoming a civil servant means that a person will be paid a certain amount every month. It's not uncommon for many to think that if you become a civil servant you won't be very rich. 
However, this is inversely proportional to the harsh reality if the salary of PNS is low because it adjusts the minimum wage for that area. 

It's not uncommon for many PNS who are rich even though the salary is small, how come? Some netizens then responded to this question on Quora as follows: "To be honest, a lot of money is not clear. 

I want to tell you, my parents are entrepreneurs who sell stationery and household appliances. Sometimes it is indeed given sustenance by Allah by being given procurement projects in government agencies. 
For example, my parents got a ATK project worth 500 million from the x office, it turns out that in the x office warehouse there is still 150 million ATK left in stock. So from there, my parents were contacted by the official to send ATK worth only 350 million and they still paid us 500 million at first but then asked them to return the 150 million. This 150 million went into their personal pockets. 

This is just a ATK project, for toll road projects, bridges, etc. the nominal names are crazy (a friend of mine's parents are contractors and I was told). This incident also happened in almost every project my parents got. 
Even at the level of schools where students study, there are still corruption. I and a classmate of mine had a study tour with unreasonable prices even though we were both on the island of Java, and one week after that the study tour coordinator (my counseling teacher) went to school with a new Xixixi motorbike. 

It is also possible that there are also some honest civil servants and hopefully there will always be.", said the Quorawan whose identity was withheld. "My parents are civil servants. Both are lecturers. Thank God that they can live a decent life, comfortable housing, available vehicles, all children are graduates (PNS, BUMN, doctor, prospective lawyer), and we are not a gene sandwich. 

Why did it happen? 

Because my parents have implemented financial planning from the past. Realizing that their income is mediocre, they add side jobs. Trade. Starting from furniture, boarding houses, internet cafes (in the past). I still remember accompanying my mother almost every day to deliver people's orders. After school I help look after the shop. 

In addition, they are also very economical. Branded goods? Nothing (except cookware and furniture that can last for years) socialite gathering? Nope. Travel abroad? Boro2. Just going to Jakarta by plane is really fun. 
Instead of shopping at the mall, we usually shop at the market. His children are used to living frugal and simple. I used to think my parents were stingy, but now I'm very grateful to be able to control money well. Yes, he taught us to be wise in managing expenses. 

They also give alms. Household members who have children must be sent to school. Also often alms for relatives and families in the village. 
They try their best for children's education. No matter how much money I asked for for college, it was immediately given that very day. But if you ask to go to the mall? Beuh. You have to specify the price of cinema tickets, the price of snacks, the price of hanging out, and you will be given just enough. 

After I think about it, they enjoy the sweet fruit from what they planted first. Look for additional income, live simply, and be diligent in giving alms," said WT Kirana. 
Such is the confession of several quora users regarding the lifestyle of PNS. ***

Mengapa banyak PNS yang kaya raya padahal gaji mereka kecil? 

- Berprofesi sebagai PNS biasanya menjadi impian bagi banyak orang, salah satunya orangtua terdahulu.

Menjadi PNS, berarti seseorang itu akan digaji setiap bulannya dengan jumlah tertentu.
Tak jarang banyak anggapan jika menjadi PNS itu tidak akan kaya raya.
Namun hal ini berbanding terbalik dengan kenyataan pahit jika gaji PNS adalah termasuk kecil karena menyesuaikan UMR daerah tersebut.

Tidak jarang pula banyak PNS yang kaya raya meski gajinya kecil, bagaimana bisa?
Beberapa netizen lantas menanggapi pertanyaan tersebut di quora sebagaimana berikut:
"Jujur saja banyak yang karena uang tidak jelas.
Mau cerita, orang tua saya seorang pengusaha penjual ATK dan Alat Rumah Tangga.

Terkadang memang diberi rezeki oleh Allah dengan diberi proyek pengadaan di instansi pemerintahan.
Contoh orangtua saya dapat proyek ATK senilai 500 juta dari dinas x, ternyata di gudang dinas x masih sisa stok ATK 150 juta. Nah dari situ, orang tua saya dikontak oleh orang dinasnya untuk mengirim ATK senilai 350 juta saja dan mereka tetap membayar kami 500 awalnya juta tapi kemudian minta untuk dikembalikan ke mereka 150 jutanya. 150 juta ini masuk kantong pribadi mereka.

Ini baru proyek ATK, kalo proyek jalan tol, jembatan, dsb malah gila gilaan nominalnya (orang tua teman saya ada yang kontraktor dan saya diceritakan). Kejadian ini juga hampir terjadi di setiap proyek yang didapat orang tua saya.

Bahkan yang di level sekolah tempat menuntut ilmu pun masih ada yang korupsi. Saya dengan teman teman seangkatan pernah study tour dengan harga yang tidak masuk akal padahal sama-sama di Pulau Jawa, dan satu minggu setelahnya koordinator study tour (guru BK saya) pergi ke sekolah dengan motor baru xixixi.

Tidak menutup kemungkinan juga ada beberapa PNS yang jujur dan semoga selalu ada.", ujar quorawan yang identitasnya dirahasiakan.
"Orangtua saya PNS. Dua2nya dosen. Alhamdulillah di masa menjelang pensiunnya mereka bisa hidup dengan layak, hunian nyaman, kendaraan ada, anak semuanya sarjana (PNS, BUMN, dokter, calon pengacara), dan kami bukan sandwich gen.

Kenapa bisa seperti itu?

Karena orang tua saya sudah menerapkan financial planning dari dulu. Sadar karena income nya pas2an, mereka menambah side job. Dagang. Mulai dari mebel, kos2an, warnet (jaman dulu). Saya masih ingat hampir setiap hari menemani ibu saya mengantar pesanan orang. Sepulang sekolah saya bantu jaga toko.
Selain itu mereka jg sangat hemat.
Barang branded? Tidak ada (kecuali peralatan masak dan furniture yg bisa awet bertahun2) Arisan sosialita? Nope. Jalan2 ke luar negeri? Boro2. Ke Jakarta naik pesawat saja sudah seneng banget.

Alih-alih belanja di mal, kami malah biasanya belanja di pasar. Anak2nya sudah terbiasa hidup hemat dan sederhana. Dulu saya menganggap ortu saya pelit, tapi sekarang saya sangat bersyukur bisa mengendalikan uang dg baik. Ya, beliau mengajarkan kami untuk bijak atur pengeluaran.
Mereka jg rajin sedekah. ART yg punya anak pasti disekolahkan. Juga sering sedekah untuk saudara dan keluarga di kampung.

Mereka berusaha yg terbaik untuk pendidikan anak. Berapapun uang yg saya minta untuk kuliah, langsung dikasih hari itu juga. Tapi kalo minta buat jalan2 ke mal? Beuh. Harus dirinci dulu harga tiket bioskop, harga cemilan, harga nongkrong, dan bakal dikasih pas2an.

Setelah saya renungkan, mereka menikmati buah manis dari yg mereka tanam dulu. Cari income tambahan, Hidup sederhana, dan rajin sedekah", ujar WT Kirana.
Demikianlah pengakuan dari beberapa pengguna quora terkait gaya hidup PNS. ***

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