In the Aftermath of Tiktoker's Criticism, KPK Asked to Move to Investigate Lampung Provincial Government

In the Aftermath of Tiktoker's Criticism, KPK Asked to Move to Investigate Lampung Provincial Government

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was asked to move to investigate the Lampung Provincial Government following criticism from tiktoker with accounts @awbimaxreborn or Bima Yudho Saputro for the area's infrastructure. 

General Chairperson of the Indonesian Legal Aid Association (PBHI) Julius Hebrew said that this is not the first time the Lampung government has had dealings with the KPK. 

In fact, regional leaders in Lampung have been named suspects in corruption cases five times during Agus Rahardjo's leadership. 

"We know that Lampung was investigated by the Corruption Eradication Committee due to alleged corruption and this does not seem to change the situation," Julius told, Monday (17/4/2023). 

"What does it mean? This warning sign must be caught by the KPK to examine it in more detail," he said again. 

Julius said the KPK should be suspicious that there is a regional expenditure budget (APBD) for road repairs. 

However, the roads that were repaired quickly fell into disrepair and there was no progress year after year. 

According to Julius, corruption in this mode of infrastructure is commonplace and KPKK must immediately investigate it. 

"Infrastructure corruption has become a common mode at regional and local government levels. That means this is input for investigation," he said. 

Previously it was reported, the TikTok account @awbimaxreborn went viral after insinuating the conditions of a number of sectors in Lampung. 

Several sectors were criticized, including those related to infrastructure, the New City project, education, bureaucratic governance, agriculture to the crime rate. 

The account owner named Bima Yudho Saputro said that much of the infrastructure in Lampung was damaged. Then, the Kota Baru project was also called stalled for a long time. 

The account also mentions that education in Lampung is not evenly distributed, leading to dependence on agriculture. 

Buntut Kritik Tiktoker, KPK Diminta Bergerak Periksa Pemprov Lampung

Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Diminta untuk bergerak memeriksa Pemerintah Provinsi Lampung buntut kritik tiktoker dengan akun @awbimaxreborn atau Bima Yudho Saputro terhadap infrastruktur daerah tersebut.

Ketua Umum Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Indonesia (PBHI) Julius Ibrani mengatakan, pemerintah Lampung bukan kali pertama berurusan dengan KPK.

Bahkan, pimpinan daerah di Lampung sudah lima kali ditetapkan sebagai tersangka kasus korupsi saat kepemimpinan Agus Rahardjo.

"Kita tahu Lampung pernah diperiksa oleh KPK akibat dugaan korupsi dan sepertinya tidak mengubah situasi," ujar Julius kepada, Senin (17/4/2023).

"Artinya apa? Tanda bahaya ini harus ditangkap oleh KPK untuk memeriksa lebih detil," katanya lagi.

Julius mengatakan, KPK harus curiga ada anggaran pendapatan belanja daerah (APBD) untuk perbaikan jalan raya.

Namun, jalan raya yang diperbaiki cepat rusak dan tidak ada kemajuan dari tahun ke tahun.

Menurut Julius, korupsi modus infrastruktur ini merupakan hal lumrah dan harus disegera diselidiki KPKK.

"Korupsi infrastruktur sudah menjadi modus umum di level-level Pemda dan lokal. Artinya, ini jadi masukan untuk memeriksa," ujarnya.

Sebelumnya diberitakan, akun TikTok @awbimaxreborn menjadi viral setelah menyindir kondisi sejumlah sektor di Lampung.

Beberapa sektor yang dikritik, di antaranya terkait infrastruktur, proyek Kota Baru, pendidikan, tata kelola birokrasi, pertanian hingga tingkat kriminalitas.

Pemilik akun bernama Bima Yudho Saputro itu menyebut infrastruktur di Lampung banyak yang rusak. Kemudian, proyek Kota Baru juga disebut mangkrak sejak lama.

Akun tersebut juga menyebut pendidikan di Lampung tidak merata hingga ketergantungan akan pertanian.

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