15 Poorest Bloggers in Indonesia, It turns out?

15 of the poorest bloggers in Indonesia, it turns out? 

Image Source: Raditya Dika

There are some of the poorest eaaah richest bloggers in Indonesia who always succeed in inspiring readers. This condition occurs because they present new and useful writings. 
You can also become a famous blogger in Indonesia like them if you keep honing your writing skills. Then who are the richest bloggers? This is complete information, let's see! 

15 Poorest Eaaah Richest Bloggers in Indonesia

Here are 15 of the poorest, richest bloggers in Indonesia who are successful and famous and can inspire you, namely:

Asri can be classified as the richest blogger in Indonesia because from the several blogs she manages, she can earn around 200 million per month. 
He actively writes about online business, digital marketing, blogging tips, and his opinion articles. With his writing, many responses from blog visitors in the form of comments. 
He doesn't stop as a blogger, now he founded Astamedia Blogging School to share the knowledge he has acquired. 

Aside from being a comedian, Raditya Dika actually started his career as a blog writer. He pours his personal story into stories that are funny and hilarious, but still inspiring. In fact, through writing on the blog, he managed to make a book. For example, writing on his blog from 2002-2004 has become a book entitled Kambing Jantan: A Diary of Stupid Students. Besides that, Radit's other books are Koala Kumal, Half Salmon Man, Jellyfish Overtime, and many more. Therefore, he is one of the famous writers in Indonesia. It doesn't end there, but several of his works have also made their way onto the big screen into films. Amazing, right? 

Yosef Ardi is one of the richest bloggers in Indonesia who comes from East Nusa Tenggara. Since 2005, he has filled his blog with writings in English on politics and business. 
At first, the blog is free. However, visitors are increasing to generate 560 thousand to 600 thousand US dollars. 
He is not only famous in Indonesia, but has penetrated on an international scale. The reason is, his blog has grown to 23 countries in the world, including South Korea, New York, Singapore, Hong Kong, and many more. 

The next richest blogger in Indonesia is Mehdi Hidayat. He makes interesting writings on blogs such as tips and tricks for making money from blogs. He also published books namely Pro Blogger and Blogging For Money. Through interesting writings on his personal blog, he managed to earn a monthly income of about 4 digits of US dollars. Therefore, his name began to be known in the world of blogging. 

Gita Savitri Devi writes about women's issues, politics, government, mental health, and so on. However, he often wrote down the anxiety that hit his mind. Even though he is better known as a Youtuber, he actively writes on the blog. Apart from that, his writing is no less inspiring. Even though the topic is serious, Gita writes in sentences that are easy to understand. Thus, his personal blog readers continue to grow. 

When talking about Indonesian bloggers, the name Dedi Natadiningrat cannot be missed. Actively writing on blogs since 2007, Dedi is the founder of the Media Cirebon blog, Ruqyah Cirebon and many more. He also managed to become the 10 most successful bloggers in the world. 
Dedi's income from blogs has reached 5 billion rupiah. The source of this income is from independent advertisements and reviews. He has the principle of producing quality content so that his visitors continue to grow. So, your income will also increase. 

Agus Ramandhani has been the owner of the website blog oom.com since 2007. Through his blog, Agus can earn thousands of dollars per month. 
According to Agus, to become a blogger you don't have to be smart. However, it is enough to have creative, imaginative ideas and follow trends or be up to date. So, do not be surprised if his name is famous as an Indonesian blogger because of his creativity. 

Cosa Aranda is a well-known blogger in Indonesia who comes from Surabaya. Through his personal blog, he earns a fantastic income. Cosa made a thousand US dollars for the first time through Google Adsense. 

The richest blogger in Indonesia who has the next high income is Joko Susilo. Through his personal blog, he shares articles about internet marketing and online business . As a result, visitors are increasing. In addition, his posts always receive a response in the form of comments from visitors. He proved to be a successful blogger because he managed to earn around 75 million rupiah per month. So, it's clear that the name Joko Susilo is quite popular in the world of blogging. 

Starting her career as a blogger in 2008, Agnes Davonar managed to write short stories and 18 best selling novels. In fact, some of them were adapted into films. For example, A Little Letter to God  and My Idiot Brother. Therefore, he became a blogger who inspired many people. Because, from the blog alone he penetrated into the world of film because his work managed to touch many people. So, don't be surprised if he becomes the richest writer because the salary of a film screenwriter is fantastic, especially if the film is booming. Currently his personal blog has been acquired by garudafood worth 500 million per year. So, do not be surprised if his name becomes a famous blogger in Indonesia. 

Through his personal blog www.blogodolar.com which has now moved to www.bloggingmo.com, Herman Yudiono managed to become the richest full time blogger in Indonesia and left his job. The blog contains tips and tricks for creating a blog such as wordpress tips, blog design, writing tips, increasing traffic, monetization, to SEO (search engine optimization) tips. If you are interested in becoming a blogger, there's nothing wrong with visiting there to get useful information. 

The name of the richest blogger in Indonesia that must be mentioned next is Sandi Prayoga. This is because Sandi's income in 2017 reached IDR 55,594,000.00. He shares content about automotive and computers. Well, the income comes from Google Adsense, Propellerads, and other Ads Networks. Dedi is very serious about managing his blog, starting from using SEO (search engine optimization) techniques and producing quality writing. Thus, blog visitors continue to grow. 

The next richest blogger in Indonesia is Bobby Ertanto. Through virustraveling.com he can earn IDR 6,000,000.00 to IDR 10,000,000.00 per month. Not to mention, he has another travel blog that is just as cool. As the name suggests, Boby's blog contains content about tourist destinations in the country and abroad. For example, hotel reviews, traveling bags, and much more. He takes advantage of SEO (search engine optimization) so that more people visit his blog. Because, with this technique it is possible for his blog to be on page one of the search engines. 

Hey Theresia is a food and traveler blogger. He actively provides content such as recipes and food reviews, both domestically and abroad. By using simple language that is easy to understand, visitors to his personal blog continue to grow. In addition, he also often provides food reviews on social media. So, more and more people will know about the blog. 

The name of an Indonesian blogger who cannot be missed is Indah Julianti Sibarani. Through the various twists and turns she has faced, Indah is currently focusing on the parenting theme via the beautifuljulianti.com blog. Currently Indah gets paid from the blog about 3 million per post in 2016 and will continue to grow. So, no wonder he became the richest blogger in Indonesia. In addition, Indah does not hesitate to refuse sponsorship offers if the request given does not match her personal blog's niche. 

Who is the Richest Blogger in Indonesia Your Idol? 

Those are the 15 richest bloggers in Indonesia who are successful with various inspirational content. Apart from producing useful content for readers, they also utilize other techniques such as SEO (search engine optimization) so that the blog is on the first page of search engines. 

You can also become a famous blogger in Indonesia if you continue to hone your writing skills and produce quality content. You can start your writing career from a personal blog or by sending articles to the media. Come on, try it from now on! 

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