Megawati's clarification about the speech of the speech of "recitation mothers": not may not recite, please!

Megawati's clarification about the speech of the speech of "recitation mothers": not may not recite, please!

Megawati's clarification about the speech of the speech of "recitation mothers": not may not recite, please!

Megawati's clarification about the speech of the speech of "recitation mothers": not may not recite, please!

The fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri gave clarification about his statement regarding the recitation mothers who became controversial some time ago.

This clarification was conveyed by Megawati in a speech after being given awarded by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights as a driving figure of the progress of Haki at the Office of the National Research and Innovation Agency (Brin), Central Jakarta, Wednesday (1/3/2023). 

Initially, Megawati flattered the Minister of Finance (Minister of Finance) Sri Mulyani Indrawati as a great woman. It is known, Sri Mulyani also attended the event. "What I care about and respect. Why do I care about? Minister of Finance is a woman, yes. I'm struggling so that women are like me," Megawati said at Brin's office on Wednesday. 

Then, he mentioned his statement some time ago at the event "Kick Off National Seminar on the Pancasila Ideology Steering Agency (BPIP)" some time ago. At that time, Megawati spoke about recitation mothers. He also wondered when he was bully by many people as a result of his statement. "But, I was on the kick off of the Pancasila, how come I kept bullied. Even though I have said I don't bullied," Megawati said. Women who also served as chairman of the Steering Board of the National Research and Innovation Agency (Brin) then clarified that his statement was not to forbid mothers to take part in recitation. 

However, he asked mothers to be more concerned to the growth of his children. The goal is that the child avoid various health problems, including stunting. "I do not not be able to recite. Recitation, please. But, what I mean is because the time is given a brief, even though it's been 2 hours, 'it's a mother, please count time for the household', later this is bullied again," Megawati said. He was assumed, the stunting discussion was not without reason. 

Because, handling stunting is a government priority program during the administration of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). The government targets the prevalence of stunting down to 14 percent by 2024. According to the results of the Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI), the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia in 2021 was 24.4 percent. However, in 2022, there was a decrease in the prevalence of stunting to 21.6 percent. "Why (I discussed the mothers counting time for households)? I actually talked to the President's program, namely stunting," Megawati said. For information, because of the speech, the Yogyakarta Human Rights Coalition reported Megawati to the Indonesian National Commission on Women. 

The report was sent by Yogyakarta Human Rights activist through the Yogyakarta City Large Post Office on Wednesday (22/2/2023). Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security) Mahfud MD defended the General Chairperson of the PDI-P Megawati Soekarnoputri about the speech of "recitation mothers". 

According to Mahfud MD, Megawati's speech was cut so that it had different meanings. "That's a small example of news that is covered with a hoax. When Mrs. Mega stated that 'what did the recitation mothers', then said the news was Mrs. Mega forbade recitations. In fact, there was a connection, "Mahfud said in the" Cangkrukan Coordinating Minister for Political Office "which was broadcast Youtube Kemenko Polhukam, quoted Wednesday (1/3/2023). 

Mahfud claimed to understand the meaning of Megawati's speech invited mothers to do not focus too much to recitation. "Mothers don't focus too much to recitation, sorry for many children who are damaged because they are left behind by mothers. Only that's true, "Mahfud said. "The substance is right, so that the children do not become like Mario (Dandy Satrio) and so on. But it's okay, it's criticism from the community, "he said again.

Klarifikasi Megawati soal Pidato "Ibu-ibu Pengajian": Bukannya Tidak Boleh Mengaji, Silakan...

Presiden Kelima RI Megawati Soekarnoputri memberikan klarifikasi soal pernyataannya terkait ibu-ibu pengajian yang menjadi kontroversial beberapa waktu lalu.

Klarifikasi ini disampaikan Megawati dalam sambutan usai diberikan penghargaan oleh Kementerian Hukum dan HAM sebagai tokoh pendorong kemajuan HAKI di kantor Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (1/3/2023).

Awalnya, Megawati menyanjung Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati sebagai seorang perempuan hebat. Diketahui, Sri Mulyani turut hadir dalam acara tersebut.

"Yang saya sayangi dan hormati. Kenapa saya sayangi? Menteri Keuangan kan perempuan, ya. Saya sedang perjuangkan supaya kaum perempuan itu seperti saya," kata Megawati di kantor BRIN, Rabu.

Kemudian, ia menyinggung soal pernyataannya beberapa waktu lalu dalam acara "Kick Off Seminar Nasional Badan Pengarah Ideologi Pancasila (BPIP)" beberapa waktu lalu.

Saat itu, Megawati berbicara soal ibu-ibu pengajian. Ia pun bertanya-tanya ketika di-bully oleh banyak orang akibat pernyataannya tersebut.

"Tapi, saya waktu di kick off Pancasila, loh kok terus saya di-bully. Padahal, saya sudah bilang saya jangan di-bully ya," ujar Megawati.

Perempuan yang juga menjabat sebagai Ketua Dewan Pengarah Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) ini lantas mengklarifikasi bahwa pernyataannya bukan untuk melarang ibu-ibu mengikuti pengajian.

Namun, ia meminta ibu-ibu agar lebih perhatian kepada tumbuh kembang anak-anaknya.

Tujuannya agar sang anak terhindar dari beragam masalah kesehatan, termasuk stunting.

"Saya bukannya tidak boleh mengaji. Pengajian, silakan. Tapi, yang saya maksud adalah karena waktunya diberi singkat, padahal itu sudah 2 jam, 'itu Ibu-ibu sekalian tolong lah hitung waktu untuk rumah tangga', nanti ini di-bully lagi," kata Megawati.

Ia berasalan, pembahasan stunting itu bukan tanpa alasan. Sebab, penanganan stunting merupakan program prioritas pemerintah di masa pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Pemerintah menargetkan prevalensi stunting turun menjadi 14 persen pada tahun 2024.

Menurut hasil Survei Status Gizi Indonesia (SSGI), prevalensi stunting di Indonesia pada 2021 adalah sebesar 24,4 persen. Tetapi, pada tahun 2022, terjadi penurunan prevalensi stunting menjadi 21,6 persen.

"Kenapa (saya bahas ibu-ibu hitung waktu untuk rumah tangga)? Saya sebetulnya waktu itu berbicara program presiden, yaitu stunting," ujar Megawati menjelaskan.

Sebagai informasi, karena pidato itu, koalisi pegiat HAM Yogyakarta melaporkan Megawati ke Komnas Perempuan RI.

Laporan tersebut dikirimkan oleh Pegiat HAM Yogyakarta melalui Kantor Pos Besar Kota Yogyakarta pada Rabu (22/2/2023).

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD membela Ketua Umum PDI-P Megawati Soekarnoputri soal pidato “ibu-ibu pengajian”.

Menurut Mahfud MD, pidato Megawati itu dipotong sehingga mempunyai makna berbeda.

“Itu contoh sedikit berita yang dicampuri hoaks. Ketika Bu Mega menyatakan 'Itu apa sih ibu-ibu pengajian', lalu dibilang beritanya itu Bu Mega melarang pengajian. Padahal, ada sambungannya itu,” kata Mahfud dalam acara “Cangkrukan Menko Polhukam” yang disiarkan YouTube Kemenko Polhukam, dikutip Rabu (1/3/2023).

Mahfud mengaku mengerti arti dari pidato Megawati itu mengajak ibu-ibu agar jangan terlalu fokus ke pengajian.

“Ibu-ibu jangan terlalu fokus ke pengajian, kasihan itu anak-anak banyak yang rusak karena ditinggal oleh ibu-ibu. Cuma itu saja sebenarnya,” ujar Mahfud.

“Substansinya kan benar, agar anak-anak itu tidak sampai menjadi seperti Mario (Dandy Satrio) dan sebagainya. Tetapi tidak apa-apa, itu kritik dari masyarakat,” katanya lagi.

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