Amnesty International and PGI Refuse Sambo Sentenced to Death, Here's the Reason

Amnesty International and PGI Refuse Sambo Sentenced to Death, Here's the Reason

Amnesty International and PGI Refuse Sambo Sentenced to Death, Here's the Reason

Ferdy Sambo was sentenced to death by the judge. Human rights (HAM) and religious groups have rejected the death sentence for the accused killer of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat. 

Groups that reject the death penalty for Sambo are Amnesty International Indonesia, Indonesia Police Watch (IPW), to the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI). 

Amnesty International Indonesia believes that Sambo needs to be severely punished, but the former Head of the Professional and Security Division of the National Police still has the right to live. Thus, the death penalty was not appropriate for him. 

"Amnesty is not anti-punishment, we agree that all forms of crimes under international law committed by state officials must be punished severely but must still be fair, without having to impose the death penalty. This is an outdated punishment," said Usman Hamid, Executive Director of Amnesty International Indonesia, through his official website, accessed, Tuesday (14/2/2023). 

Instead of imposing a death sentence, he said, it would be better for the state to focus on reforming the entire system so that similar crimes do not recur and does not perpetuate impunity (immunity) against officials who commit violence. The death penalty is not a shortcut to improve police accountability. What can improve the police force is serious internal reform. 

Usman Hamid (Tiara Aliya Azzahra/detikcom)Usman Hamid (Tiara Aliya Azzahra/detikcom)
"We respect the judge's decision which has tried to satisfy the victim's sense of justice and also the general public. However, the judge can be fairer, without having to sentence Sambo to death," said Usman Hamid. 

The police monitoring group, IPW, considers that the death sentence against Ferdy Sambo is a problematic sentence. IPW considered Sambo's actions to be cruel but not sadistic. The judge should also be able to consider things that can reduce the sentence, including Ferdy Sambo's polite attitude and record of service and achievements while in office. 

"This death sentence is a decision due to public pressure due to massive reporting and judges cannot escape this pressure," said the chairman of IPW, Sugeng Teguh Santoso, in a written statement. 

Sugeng Teguh Santoso Sugeng Teguh Santoso (Ari Saputra/detikcom)
From religious organizations, there is PGI which rejects the death penalty. Despite appreciating the court's decision, PGI is of the opinion that the verdict has gone too far. PGI's opinion is based on divine values. 

"The death penalty is an excessive decision considering that God is the Giver, Creator and Sustainer of Life. Thus, the right to life is a value that must be upheld by mankind. And therefore, only God has the absolute right to revoke it," said the general chairman of the PGI, Pastor Gomar Gultom, in a written statement. 

Law enforcement by the state must preserve life. All forms of punishment must make humans have the opportunity to return to the right path. Opportunities for self-improvement like that will be closed if the death penalty is applied. Moreover, Indonesia has ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the Convention on Civil and Political Rights which express support for human rights. 

PGI Chairman Pdt Gomar Gultom PGI General Chair Rev Gomar Gultom (ist)
Furthermore, PGI considers that the death sentence for Ferdy Sambo is like taking revenge and public frustration on Ferdy Sambo. In fact, that's not how the mental attitude of punishment should be. The death penalty also does not deter perpetrators or potential perpetrators of crimes. 

"I doubt the opinion of some parties who think the death penalty will have a deterrent effect as intended by the threat of the death penalty. It is proven that drug cases have continued to increase even though the state has executed several drug offenders," said Gomar Gultom. 

Amnesty International hingga PGI Tolak Sambo Divonis Mati, Ini Alasannya

Ferdy Sambo dijatuhi hukuman mati oleh hakim. Kelompok pemerhati hak asasi manusia (HAM) hingga keagamaan menolak vonis mati untuk terdakwa pembunuh Brigadir Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat itu.

Kelompok yang menolak hukuman mati untuk Sambo adalah Amnesty International Indonesia, Indonesia Police Watch (IPW), hingga Persekutuan Gereja-gereja di Indonesia (PGI).

Amnesty International Indonesia menilai Sambo memang perlu dihukum berat, tapi mantan Kepala Divisi Profesi dan Pengamanan Polri tersebut tetap punya hak untuk hidup. Maka, hukuman mati tidaklah tepat dijatuhkan untuknya.

"Amnesty tidak anti-penghukuman, kami sepakat bahwa segala bentuk kejahatan di bawah hukum internasional yang dilakukan aparat negara harus dihukum yang berat tetapi tetap harus adil, tanpa harus menjatuhkan hukuman mati. Ini hukuman yang ketinggalan zaman," kata Usman Hamid, Direktur Eksekutif Amnesty International Indonesia, lewat situs resminya, diakses detikcom, Selasa (14/2/2023).

Ketimbang menjatuhkan vonis mati, kata dia, lebih baik negara fokus membenahi keseluruhan sistem agar kejahatan serupa tidak terulang serta tidak melanggengkan impunitas (kekebalan hukum) terhadap aparat yang melakukan kekerasan. Hukuman mati bukan jalan pintas untuk membenahi akuntabilitas kepolisian. Hal yang dapat membenahi kepolisian adalah pembenahan internal serius.

Usman Hamid (Tiara Aliya Azzahra/detikcom)Usman Hamid (Tiara Aliya Azzahra/detikcom)
"Kami menghormati putusan hakim yang telah berusaha untuk memenuhi rasa keadilan korban dan juga khalayak umum. Namun hakim bisa lebih adil, tanpa harus memvonis mati Sambo," kata Usman Hamid.

Kelompok pemerhati kepolisian, IPW, menilai vonis mati terhadap Ferdy Sambo merupakan vonis yang problematik. IPW menilai perbuatan Sambo memang kejam tapi tidak sadis. Hakim juga seharusnya dapat mempertimbangkan hal-hal yang dapat meringankan hukuman, meliputi sikap Ferdy Sambo yang sopan serta catatan pengabdian dan prestasi selama menjabat.

"Putusan mati ini adalah putusan karena tekanan publik akibat pemberitaan yang masif dan hakim tidak dapat melepaskan diri dari tekanan tersebut," kata Ketua IPW, Sugeng Teguh Santoso, dalam keterangan tertulis.

Sugeng Teguh SantosoSugeng Teguh Santoso (Ari Saputra/detikcom)
Dari organisasi keagamaan, ada PGI yang menolak hukuman mati tersebut. Meski menghargai putusan pengadilan, PGI berpendapat vonis itu sudah melampaui kewajaran. Pendapat PGI didasarkan pada nilai-nilai ketuhanan.

"Hukuman mati adalah sebuah keputusan yang berlebihan mengingat Tuhanlah Pemberi, Pencipta dan Pemelihara Kehidupan. Dengan demikian, hak untuk hidup merupakan nilai yang harus dijunjung tinggi oleh umat manusia. Dan karenanya, hanya Tuhan yang memiliki hak mutlak untuk mencabutnya," kata Ketua Umum PGI, Pendeta Gomar Gultom, dalam keterangan tertulis.

Penegakan hukum oleh negara harus memelihara kehidupan. Segala bentuk hukuman harus membuat manusia berpeluang kembali ke jalan yang benar. Peluang memperbaiki diri seperti itu bakal tertutup bila hukuman mati diterapkan. Terlebih, Indonesia telah meratifikasi Deklarasi Universal Hak Asasi Manusia (DUHAM) dan Konvensi Hak-hak Sipil dan Politik yang menyatakan dukungan terhadap HAM.

Ketua Umum PGI Pdt Gomar GultomKetua Umum PGI Pdt Gomar Gultom (ist)
Lebih lanjut, PGI menilai vonis hukuman mati untuk Ferdy Sambo tersebut seperti pelampiasan balas dendam dan frustrasi publik ke Ferdy Sambo. Padahal, bukan begitu seharusnya sikap mental penjatuhan hukuman. Hukuman mati juga tidak membuat jera pelaku atau calon pelaku kejahatan.

"Saya meragukan pendapat sementara pihak yang menganggap hukuman mati akan memberi efek jera sebagaimana yang dimaksudkan oleh ancaman hukuman mati tersebut. Terbukti kasus narkoba terus meningkat meski negara tekah mengeksekusi mati beberapa pelaku tindak pidana narkoba," kata Gomar Gultom.

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