Sanctions for Underestimating Prayer

Sanctions for Underetimating Prayer
Sayyidah Fatimah الله ا, asked the Messenger of Allah , "O my father, what is the penalty for those who underestimate the time of prayer and play with their prayers."
Then her father replied, "O my daughter, the punishment is that Allah will give her 15 disasters in her life."
"What God will give in the world, namely"

1. Allah will take away the blessing of his age. 
2. Allah will take away the blessings of his sustenance. 
3. Allah will remove the pious signs from his face. 
4. All the deeds he does, will not be rewarded by Allah. 
5. His prayer is not lifted by Allah. 
6. He does not get a share of the prayers of pious people. 

"Which Allah will give at the time of his death, namely"

1. He will die in disgrace. 
2. Die hungry. 
3. Die in a state of thirst. 

"Which Allah will give in his grave, namely"

1. Allah will send an angel who always scares him. 
2. Allah will narrow his grave. 
3. Allah will make his grave completely dark. 

"And the last 3 Allah will give when he is raised on the Day of Resurrection, namely"

1. Allah will send an angel who will drag him with his head down to hell and be witnessed by all the inhabitants of mahsyar. 
2. Allah will reckon him with a very difficult reckoning. 
3. Allah will not see him, Allah will not purify him and he will be tormented. 
O Allah, give us a straight path, a path that You are pleased with. 
May we be among those who are longed for by Your heaven. 
الله اعلم

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