11 Ways Google Adsense Sniffs Invalid Clicks
1. IP address. If someone or you clicks on an ad that comes from the same IP address used to access your AdSense account, your account is flagged.
2. Click Through Rate / Click Through Rate (CTR). Usually, Click Rate should be no more than 10%. Otherwise, Google will flag your account. For your information, normal CTR should be between 0.5% – 10%.
3. Location. Google has excellent tracking software and technology. They can trace the origin of traffic all the way to a small town. So, using different computers with different IP addresses doesn't secure anything. So, don't try to click on your ad from various internet cafes or internet cafes. It will kill you.
4. Cookies. Most home users do not use a static IP address for internet connection. In most cases just disconnecting the internet and reconnecting will give you a new IP Address. But remember, Google has set a cookie on your computer. They can track these cookies and see if they are from the same computer.
5. Illegal Click Patterns 1. It is also suspicious, when a visitor clicks on an ad, after they click, they immediately leave your website (hit and run). Normal visitors usually browse the contents of the website first, after they see an ad that makes them interested then there is a possibility that the click is a natural click.
6. Illegal Click Pattern 2. There are visitors who often click on ads on the same website address but very rarely/never click on AdSense ads on other websites.
8. Other Google services. In addition to Google Adsense, Google also provides a series of services to us. Don't just think that it's safe if you never login in your AdSense account and then click on your own ads. What other Google services do they provide us? Here are some of their services: Gmail (most people use it), Google Earth, Google Calendar, Google Search, Google Toolbar, Google Talk, Google Sitemap, Google Desktop, Blogger, Youtube, maybe even their own browser ( Google Chrome) .
9. Rank your website on search engines. Your website is not indexed on every search engine, not linked to reputable websites, but getting consistently high visitors? How can visitors access your website and click on your ad? That would make Google smell death.
11.Conversions from Advertisers (Advertiser). If there are clicks on ads from visitors then we will get income. But does it bring profit to advertisers? What this means is that if a visitor to our website clicks on an ad voluntarily to go to the advertiser's website, then the visitor feels comfortable to linger on the advertiser's website and or maybe buys a product or subscribes to something from the advertiser's website, maybe it will be profitable for the advertiser. advertiser (Advertiser). If not, then you are in trouble. First hits Smart-Pricing, then your AdSense account is deactivated. Don't try too hard to increase CTR as much as possible (using a website that looks a little bit deceiving visitors who indirectly force clicks on ads on your website) which turns out to be Banned by Google. Better slowly but surely increase the number of visitors.
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