Earthly kings and queens come and go. Our KING lives forever!

Earthly kings and queens come and go. Our KING lives forever!

Whether you agree with the monarchy in Great Britain or not, this past week has saddened many with the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Her seventy year reign will probably never be surpassed. For most of us, we can’t remember anyone else on the throne of England. I saw a news clip the Queen recorded shortly after she took the crown where she, as a remarkably young woman, promised her subjects to serve them to the best of her ability. Elizabeth II did just that through her 70 year reign.

Many in the USA, even though we are fascinated by royalty, never quite understood Queen Elizabeth’s tight control on her family. Some have even accused her of “being out of touch,” “not giving her children free range to make their own decisions,” and “expecting perfect behavior” from her family.

This past week, with several more days to go, we have watched the pageantry of all the events leading up to the actual funeral. We have watched the solemn processional from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey where the Queen lies in state. It has been reported that those involved in making sure this event is carried out correctly, have been preparing for 25 years! I watched as the young men, who could not have been older than 30, carry their Queen from the hearse into The Abbey. The sadness on their faces with tears on their cheeks was quite overwhelming to me. These young men have known no other sovereign! Now, here they are with the honor of carrying her to her lie-in-state so her people may pay their final homage to her.

As I watch all of this I am reminded that even though Queen Elizabeth II was the longest reigning monarch of Great Britain, we, as the citizens of God’s kingdom, have a KING who has reigned from the beginning of time! Our Lord’s reign with NEVER end.

I see the pageantry with heralds, the bearer of arms, and scores of men and women in their bright red uniforms and wonder, do we, as the subjects of our KING, give HIM the glory and honor HE deserves? Our we saddened by what HE has done for us on the cross?
The Queen was criticized for her expectations of her family. Do we not criticize our KING for HIS exceptions of HIS children? Surely, HE is out of touch and doesn’t expect us to follow all that stuff described in the Bible. The Queen was criticized for not allowing her children free will. We criticize our KING because HE allows too much free will.

The young Queen promised to be a servant to her people. Our KING was truly a servant, not just in words but in deeds. HE gave HIS life for his people.
As Queen Elizabeth II is laid to rest never more to be, remember that our KING of KINGS died for us, but unlike earthly sovereigns, our KING rose after 3 days in the tomb, conquering death so we might have life eternal!
Earthly kings and queens come and go. Our KING lives forever!


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