5 Quick Tips!

5 Quick Tips!

Bored. A cold starts with a nose runny nose, the beginning of a simple runny nose, a cold, a slight cough, all this is the cure of warm swirls, a little rest and that's it, the idea is when should I worry and should I reveal?? ,, If you find these signs

"Cough waking up from sleep, coughing all day, cough contradicted with breastfeeding lo baby, or with effort-laying baby- if adult,, attitude,, chest tightening,, high temperature-above 40,000- constantly"

Bored. High temperature - above 3,500- under the age of two months is not a joke, and it is not treated at home, and it is necessary to detect, most of its causes are urinary tract infections, middle ear, or God forbid - brain infections. Do not forget that there are viral diseases such as pink fever Roseola heats up to ّ!

Bored. You will find that some children these days suddenly come back frequently,, concentrate like this,, you will find that the reflux is in him - focus more, you will find your son has a slight runny nose or sneeze,, keep in mind that this is not an intestinal flu and you keep taking antinal and motillium,, no, this is a mucus in his stomach stimulating regression - means its treatment Treatment Cold, we close the tap from above, not from below.

Bored. Please, I beg you, not antagonist from yourself, not from your neighbor, not from your home, not from the pharmacist, and do not, doctors, write antagonists without any claim, not because it is hot, heat does not mean anti-biotics! We have children taking anti-needle for a whole week and they are not afraid! The "trivial" microbes are drinking coffee with pensillin, it's enough to say "with a hug, man, you have a longing, man"! 😂

Bored. "Look at him, lady mama!
The first condition is light, you will eat well and be fed while breastfeeding me... I will make you a ballerina, make you comfortable, make you fat, and stop adultery,,, you will make me a ballerina player, and you will lose weight, and live like water, and I will lose weight and be less polite to me and I will not give you 😁
Your job here is to breastfeed me and fill me up, you don't want to show off your clothes 😡" ..

'Diaries of a Baby Fuck' ...

Bored. The 10 most dangerous signs of newborn health!

Bored. Not being able to suck and breastfeed.
Bored. Not gaining weight.
Bored. Increasing yellows from day one.
Bored. Heat.
Bored. Continuous regression affecting weight.
Bored. Chronic constipation
Bored. Consistent sleep without sleep or sleep 7-8 hours straight the first of the month.
Bored. Severe cough affecting breastfeeding.
Bored. The ongoing 'eastern' while breastfeeding.
Bored. Always “relax” the body or always “harden” it.

Bored. Not every child who complains of the pain of his "leg" is a "rheumatism"! ,, We must distinguish very well between "bone" pain and "joint" pain. By the way, one of the reasons for repeated bone pain in children is vitamin D deficiency, I swear..!

Bored. Your son gets a headache, then his stomach aches, then he goes back to sleep or sleep,,

Advice, don't worry, it's not dangerous and don't get too much damage. Tell your doctor about this and tell him that you can't have a migraine in the abdomen, doctor??

Every month I see a case of approximately one case,, and its treatment is migraine medicines after drawing the brain, just to be reassured 👍

Bored. Did your son taste flu, measles, rota, gallbladder, algae,, maybe he's not well 😥

Bored. There is no sedative better than sleep, no better nutrient than mother's milk, no safer reducer than Cital, and no better digestible than prevention of preservatives, and no stronger antidote than nutrition, vaccination is better than disease, prevention is better than cure.

And Allah is the Protector..
Protect your children with "I seek refuge with the perfect words of God from every devil and his importance, and from every eye of his mother"...

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