Sighting of the plane carrying Putin to the Middle East accompanied by 4 Su-35 fighter jets

Sighting of the plane carrying Putin to the Middle East accompanied by 4 Su-35 fighter jets

The plane carrying Russian President Vladimir Putin to the United Arab Emirates was accompanied by 4 Su-35S fighter jets (Photo: Russian Ministry of Defense via Reuters)

MOSCOW, - There was something interesting about Russian President Vladimir Putin's trip to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Wednesday (6/12/2023). The plane carrying Putin to the Middle Eastern country was accompanied by four Russian Air Force fighter jets. 

You could say this is Putin's furthest trip since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. Putin toured the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, to discuss oil and the issue of war in the Gaza Strip. 

Putin's plane, the Ilyushin Il-96, flanked by Sukhoi-35S fighter jets, according to a video released by the Russian Ministry of Defense (Kemhan), flew towards the UAE. 

Upon arrival in Abu Dhabi, UAE President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (MBZ) welcomed Putin warmly, calling him a friend. 

“Our relations, thanks in large part to your office, have reached an unprecedented high level. "The UAE is Russia's main trading partner in the Arab world," Putin told MBZ. 
Apart from discussing oil, Putin also raised the Israel-Hamas and Ukraine conflicts. 

After visiting the UAE, Putin will fly to Saudi Arabia to meet Crown Prince Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS). 
Putin's meeting with Prince MBS took place after world crude oil prices fell despite promises from OPEC+ to reduce production further. 

Meanwhile, the Kremlin stated that the two leaders would discuss the Israel-Hamas war, the situation in Syria and Yemen, as well as other issues such as ensuring stability in the Gulf, in addition to the Ukraine issue. 

Penampakan Pesawat yang Membawa Putin ke Timur Tengah Dikawal 4 Jet Tempur Su-35

Pesawat yang membawa Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin ke Uni Emirat Arab dikawal 4 jet tempur Su-35S (Foto: Kemhan Rusia via Reuters)

MOSKOW,  - Ada yang menarik dari perjalanan Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin ke Uni Emirat Arab (UEA), Rabu (6/12/2023). Pesawat yang membawa Putin menuju negara Timur Tengah itu dikawal empat jet tempur Angkatan Udara Rusia.

Bisa dibilang ini merupakan perjalanan terjauh Putin sejak Rusia menginvasi Ukraina pada Februari 2022. Putin melakukan tur Timur Tengah, termasuk ke Arab Saudi, untuk membahas minyak dan isu perang di Jalur Gaza.
Pesawat Putin, Ilyushin Il-96, diapit jet tempur Sukhoi-35S sebagaimana video yang dirilis Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) Rusia, terbang menuju UEA.

Setibanya di Abu Dhabi, Presiden UEA Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (MBZ) menyambut Putin dengan hangat seraya menyebutnya sebagai sahabat.

“Hubungan kita, sebagian besar berkat jabatan Anda, telah mencapai tingkat tinggi yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. UEA merupakan mitra dagang utama Rusia di dunia Arab,” kata Putin kepada MBZ. 

Selain membahas soal minyak, Putin juga mengangkat konflik Israel-Hamas serta Ukraina.

Setelah menyambangi UEA, Putin akan terbang ke Arab Saudi untuk bertemu Putra Mahkota Pangeran Mohammed bin Salman (MBS).

Pertemuan Putin dengan Pangeran MBS berlangsung setelah harga minyak mentah dunia turun meski ada janji dari OPEC+ untuk mengurangi produksi lebih lanjut.

Sementara itu Kremlin menyatakan, kedua pemimpin akan membicarakan perang Israel-Hamas, situasi di Suriah dan Yaman, serta isu-isu lain seperti memastikan stabilitas di Teluk, di samping masalah Ukraina.

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